Art classes in San Francisco for children

Having your children attend classes in San Francisco is one of the best ways to expand your horizons. Your kids can learn things they can’t cover in school or gain a deeper understanding of things they really enjoy. To develop creativity, art classes are definitely key. Instead of just playing with crayons at home, your kids can actually learn more […]

The gap of the new generation

I was having a conversation with my nephew, from the Millennial generation (b1982-2003?), at Thanksgiving dinner and realized that there is a big misunderstanding between Millennials (Mills) and older generations. The Mills don’t want to listen to the older generations because we’re so cynical constantly communicating that America is doomed. I want to dispel the rumor that America is doomed. […]

The gift of relationships

Before you run away from that relationship that is causing you distress, read this! What you may be experiencing in your relationship is simply a reflection of what you are feeling and thinking inside. We attract to us the most perfect partner to help us heal our wounds and teach us more about love, and we do the same for […]

May bank holiday is DIY day

This coming weekend, people across the UK will be celebrating the ancient rituals associated with the first bank holiday in May. No, we’re not talking about dancing around maypoles, crowning mayqueens, or watching Morris dance. We’re not even talking about attending the special events in Bristol, like meeting Postman Pat at Bristol Zoo on May 3 or the Bristol Harbor […]

Biodiversity depletion of Jharkhand state of India

INTRODUCTION: The term biodiversity was coined by Walter and Rosen in 1985, which is short for Biological Diversity. The biosphere constitutes a vital life support system for man and his existence of the human race. The newly formed state of Jharkhand in India is very rich in biodiversity due to its diverse physiographic and climatic conditions. The state of Jharkhand […]

Repair of damaged Indian wooden furniture

Indian wooden furniture, like any other furniture, is prone to damage. In general, wooden furniture often suffers from nicks, splits, minor cracks, and broken or splintered sections. Many times, porous wood like maple can crack and dry out. Maple, however, is not used much in Indian furniture making. In South India, where the climate is tropical and the temperature is […]