Delicious foods that can cause acne

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. In addition to a good skincare routine, your skin deserves a good amount of hydration and nutrients from the foods you eat. If you are experiencing breakouts, it could be due to many factors, such as using the wrong products, or simply eating the wrong types of food. Avoiding these acne-causing […]

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment for Acne Scars

PRP or platelet rich plasma, which is sometimes also known as growth factor rich plasma (PRGF), platelet gel, and platelet concentrate (PC), is a high concentration of platelets suspended in trace amounts of plasma. Simply put, PRP is platelet-rich blood plasma. Being a concentrated source of autologous platelets, which implies that the blood comes from the patient’s own body, PRP […]

Identify the weak points of a human body

Each has its own pressure points on the body that are used for healing and self defense. In traditional medicine, these pressure points are used to cure certain diseases and ailments of the body. In martial arts, on the other hand, these are used to gain an advantage over enemies for survival. Most of the time, they target these pressure […]

The benefits of a 7-day juice fast

Many people have used a 7-day juice fast to help detoxify their body. It is an effective way to strengthen the body, as well as detox and cleanse it, but it may not be for everyone. It is highly recommended that you speak with your doctor before attempting any type of fasting. But the 7-day juice fast is a great […]

Dazzling districts of Paris, France

When you make the decision to move to France, you will find that you have many districts and neighborhoods to choose from that will offer you everything from beautiful homes to excellent schools for your children. Paris is located in northern France, on the banks of the River Seine, and is one of the most populated areas in Europe, with […]

Dating Readiness Test

Is it time you started dating? Have you been out of the dating stream for a while? How will you know when it is ready? Take a look at this readiness quiz and score from one to ten in each area. Begin your questionnaire by saying the following: I will know when you are ready for a great love life, […]