
Karma – Based on love or based on fear?

Karma is a popular concept, in the place where it is commonly believed to have originated, as well as in the West, where it seems to have found a place in the new age and pop ideology. But really, if ever there was a term misunderstood on a global scale, it is karma. This cannot be entirely attributed to translation errors across borders and cultures; wrong constructions abound in the east, as in the west. To some extent, the passage of time and the simplicity (even naivety) of human thinking can be blamed, but deep down it is the attribution of fear to a concept that exists outside of subjective human experience that is responsible.

Let me elucidate.

Karma in its simplest form can be defined as the continuous contract between one moment and another, between one life and another, between one life and another. Working on the basic assumption that we must show what we harvest, karma reminds us that we must live in balance with ourselves, our environment, and everything we encounter and encounter. For many, this contract takes on elaborate interpretations, such as being born as an insect for a certain action or fact, or being relegated to the background of the realm of the soul by a certain thought.

But in its purest essence, karma is never a threat from the universe or the divine to keep us in tow; there is no place for fear in karma, as it is actually a fact. If you undertake a choice, action, thought, or intention that is out of sync with the universe, you create a karmic debt that must be undone. Being out of sync is not so much a matter of adhering to an external moral code as of being in congruence with the inner voice of your own soul and conscience. Therefore, even a seemingly good deed can incur karma if done for completely wrong reasons.

But if you make a mistake, I don’t think the universe has much to benefit from turning it into a frog or a stone. Sure, I can entertain the idea that this approach may have its purpose and use in certain situations, but since we can never know for sure if this is true and only evokes fear, I don’t think this is too productive an idea to do so. cling to. Instead, the universe is more interested in helping you undo your choices, actions, and thoughts and remove those cracks in your soul field. This can happen over the course of a single lifetime or many lifetimes together.

Karma is thus anchored in love; a love for the whole universe and all that is manifested in it, animate and inanimate. This is a law that keeps the universe in balance; This is a move that rectifies the mistakes and imperfections at stake. Like a mathematical formula, karma is not personal and therefore not to be feared, it is simply fair, clear and healing.

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