Tours Travel

The best grip exercise for rock climbing!

One of the best general gripping exercises for rock climbing is the kettlebell farmer’s walk. If you’ve never tried this particular exercise, I’m here to tell you that you’re missing out. By now you may be familiar with the old kettlebell and understand that this is an amazing strength and conditioning device, and for that fact alone, that is why you need it for your strength training program! to climb rocks!

The best grip exercise for rock climbing!

Rock climbing grip drills are a must, whether you consider them a safety issue or a competition issue. Either way, you need a smart and highly effective rock climbing workout if you hope to do well at this particular sport. If you’ve seen vintage kettlebells before, you’ll know that it looks like a cannonball with a handle attached. Due to this unique design, you will find this particular device quite difficult and challenging to hold regardless of how you hold it. This is because you are always moving away from your center of gravity. This is why kettlebell training is good for grip strength.

To improve this, which is why I present to you the Kettlebell Farmer’s Walk. For this particular exercise, you will need the availability of a pair of heavy kettlebells. Now, the weight is up to you, but you’ll want to fight to grab both bells at the same time when you lift them. The other thing you need is a flat, straight space to walk on. From here you will simply place the bells at one end of this walking lane and pick them up off the ground to walk to the other side of the walking lane. This heavy resistance hike is great for helping you build great grip strength while taking your rock climbing strength exercises to the next level. You can’t go wrong with your climbing with kettlebell farmer hikes.

If you haven’t already started implementing this particular kettlebell grip strength exercise into your climbing workouts, then you’re putting yourself at risk and holding back. Take the time to learn more grip strength exercises like this one by accessing more of my articles on the subject for free. Remember that almost anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!

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