Did two serial killers meet in the dating game?

Having experienced the sixties and seventies during my childhood, I thought that I had heard and seen almost everything on television. US presidential candidate Richard Nixon appeared briefly on Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In to help secure the youth vote. The Communist Party of America held a television fundraiser and raised about $ 1,000. Legendary singer James Brown performed one of […]

Songwriting is a learnable skill!

Most people think that you need to be born talented to learn how to write your own songs, but that’s a total myth! Songwriting is a LEARNABLE skill – like any other musical skill (with the exception, perhaps, of the perfect pitch, and even that can be said to be learned). A couple of things to do right away are: […]

OS Wars: Lion VS Windows 8

In recent weeks, both Microsoft and Apple pushed their new operating systems to enforce their own visions for the future of computing. The new Microsoft operating system, which introduces changes as big as the change from Windows 3.x to 95, has a completely new interface, support for new processors, vastly improved touch functions, and many more changes. Windows 8 seems […]

What are our neighbors doing?

It’s 8:00 am, the dog just ate Sam’s homework, Emily can’t find her soccer shoes, and the car won’t start. Well, the bus just passed us. This is another crazy morning and he’s late for school again. My laptop is back at home, of course, so I go back to the house, grab it, and go to the office. Don’t […]

Second Chance Love Letters

Every day many people seek second chance love letters in search engines around the world. Maybe you are one of those people? Perhaps you’ve lost the love of your life to a stupid mistake, one that you know you can fix if you only had a second chance. Writing a letter to someone you love could work. It could also […]

Books written and signed by American presidents

In recent years there has been a growing audience for books written and signed by American presidents. This article explores some of the most common books written and signed by modern American presidents. One of the first American presidents to write a book was Thomas Jefferson and his only complete book known as Notes on the state of Virginia. Originally […]