Hyperion Calculation Commands

AGG (Dim List): Will calculate only sparse dimensions, will not consolidate formulas. AGG (Dim List): Will calculate only sparse dimensions, will not consolidate formulas. Data copy: data will be copied from one member to another member For example: COPY OF DATA Actual to Budget; –It will copy the data from the actual to the budgeted. FIX & END FIX: By […]

The two most important parts of any speech

Do you want to hit a home run with your speech every time you give one? If the answer is yes, there are two things you must have… an opening that will take their breath away and an even stronger closing. The closing of your speech or presentation is the most important part. Because? Because that’s what people remember the […]

Ten Ways to Increase Group Participation in Team Meetings

Leaders have found that meetings where team members communicate openly about business issues and participate in problem solving produce better results than those where people sit down and listen. There are different levels of participation in meetings; the most desirable is a fully interactive environment. Voting in a decision-making meeting is one level of participation, but decisions by consensus or […]

computer cash generator

Many people are using the worldwide access that the Internet gives us to earn income. Can you really use your computer to create a home-based business or to generate cash working from the comfort of your home? Yes, many people are already working from home in many different parts of the world. All you really need, in most cases, is […]

Cosa sono i convertitori di frequenza?

convertitori di frequenza Un convertitore di frequenza converte un segnale CA in una frequenza più alta o più bassa e talvolta cambia anche la tensione o la fase. La frequenza può modificare la velocità di trasmissione della potenza, consentendo la trasmissione di più energia in un periodo di tempo più breve. La tensione può variare l’ampiezza o l’intensità dei segnali. […]

History and health effects of the grapefruit diet to help celebrities lose weight

With recent trends in obesity and expanding body size, nutrition and weight loss have become popular topics in everyday conversation. The ever-expanding diet industry has spawned numerous wacky nutrition products and tips to capitalize on our growing obsession. Many of these “fad diets” make pseudoscientific claims that appeal to people eager to lose a few pounds. The focus around a […]

IT Project Outsourcing – Pros and Cons

As the director of a small internet and development consulting company, I have been a subcontractor and subcontractor in my career. Seeing both ends of the environment certainly helps me make better decisions when it comes to outsourcing web development and marketing work. This article offers some key points for companies looking to outsource some or all of their IT […]


광주룸이란 광주는 한국 남서부 강원도의 수도입니다. 여러 시대의 번영과 쇠퇴를 겪은 역사가 풍부한 도시입니다. 이 도시의 경제는 농업에서 섬유 제조업으로 다양화되었으며 1970년대에는 전자 제품에 집중하기 시작했습니다. 광주에는 국내 최고 연구기관인 광주과학기술원이 있습니다. 도시의 대학 시스템은 공립 및 사립 대학을 모두 제공합니다. 전남대학교, 광주과학기술원, 광주교육대학교, 호남대학교가 광주여자대학교, 남부대학교, 기타 사립학교와 함께 광주시의 주요 공립대학교이다. 수많은 대학 외에도 무등산 보리밥 거리(다양한 반찬과 […]