5 sure signs your PPC ad plan isn’t working

The right pay-per-click marketing plan will maximize ROI and create immediate cash flow, adding huge benefits to your business. Regardless of whether you are a startup or an established internet company, it really pays to build a solid campaign. Therefore, to increase their chances of success, it is imperative that all business owners learn what works and what doesn’t. Here […]

More on hidden malicious iframe injections

Malicious iframes have a basic configuration as shown below: [iframe src= url/ width=1 height=1 stye=visibility: hidden;][/iframe] They have this setting so that hackers can hide these unwanted iframes by making them invisible. The iframe is created with a width and a height of 1 pixel, visually it is just one point. They also specify a style that makes it invisible: […]

The advantages of web content writing

Content creation has become an art form of its own. Creating new content every day is a talent, especially now because we live in an age where the speed of everything is doubled. And it all comes down to whether readers will engage with your content. The good news is that website content writing has benefits that printed content cannot. […]

The Future of SEO as Predicted by Industry Experts

If you are in the internet marketing industry, you know how unpredictable SEO is. With Google and other SERPS constantly changing their algorithms and with artificial intelligence becoming more prevalent, SEO is bound to change significantly in the future. These are some of the changes that are expected for SEO in the near future. Link building Link building has long […]

Ancient Greek Writing: 3 Important Writing Styles

In its early days of writing, Mycenaean Greek was written using a syllabary. However, for almost 2,700 years, Greek has been written using an alphabet. As with other writing systems, different writing styles developed over time. Similar to how modern English has many variations from cursive to script and uppercase to lowercase, ancient Greek also had different written variations. Three […]

Synchronization Workshop: Problems with iPhone, Ford Sync and Phone Contacts

Sometimes Ford Sync users experience difficulty getting their iPhone to properly “call” their contacts, and often the solution is as simple as clearing your phone’s contact list. IPhone users, and yes, even Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Microsoft and Blackberry smartphone owners may not know that they have entered their phone contacts incorrectly. If the Ford Sync or MyFord Touch system cannot […]

Best Google Website Tools of 2018

Google Analytics In this digital age, the importance of data to a business / website should never be underestimated. In fact, without proper website traffic tracking, a business is literally lost, especially when it comes to how to optimize the website and make full use of it. Whether your website runs in the form of a personal blog, news portal, […]