4 killer kitchen remodel ideas

There are few things more fun and exciting for a homeowner than taking on a full-scale remodeling project. Kitchen remodel holds a special place in many people’s hearts, so read on for some great ideas on how you might want to design this crucial space in your home. Mine traditional cultural influences Several popular kitchen remodel trends of the past […]

Best Apps to Give Contemporary Kitchen Design Ideas

Who doesn’t love a well planned and organized furnished home? The kitchen is a part of your home where you have cabinets, floors, countertops, appliances, and many other things to manage. A well-designed modular kitchen not only enhances the interior beauty of your home, it also makes your lifestyle that much easier. This article will give you a list of […]

Lost in the mist and other haiku

1 The arrival of the maid morning irritation noisy utensils two Internal fears prayers of faith with crossed legs climax love 3 Unforgettable unity of our body: fire for life 4 Hang time over the neck empty 5 Dead skin sits on my face ashen look 6 Learning to live without a regular job look at unread books 7 Excitement […]

Vintage kitchens from the 30s, 40s and 50s

1930s: The Steamy Depression-Era “Modern Kitchen” In the 1930s, the kitchen was being transformed from the antique kitchen to the “streamlined modern kitchen” with time-saving features, better organization, and greatly improved ventilation. The “all-electric kitchen” was promoted in popular magazines with numerous advertisements showing newly designed appliances large and small. Mixers were a housewife’s dream now designed with numerous accessories […]

Kitchens: then and now

Kitchens have come a long way since the 20th century, back then it was generally used for the sole purpose of preparing and cooking food in our home. Today, kitchens have become one of the most social rooms in the house. Historically, home design in North America and parts of Europe included a separate dining room from the kitchen. Often […]