Clowns are no laughing matter these days

Once upon a time, clowns were benevolent figures of laughter and joy. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, American children followed the animated antics of Bozo the Clown on television every week. The cartoons were presented by local presenters composed like the Bozo with carrot. One was Willard Scott, who would later become a meteorologist for the NBC Today […]

Pet trusts are not the same, for good reason

California law now recognizes a pet or pet care trust as a legal purpose. A pet trust protects the pet, but is the trust protected from the heirs? Mark W. Bidwell, Esq. Suggests that pet owners consider three options; Educational pet trusts, pop-up pet trusts, and stealth pet trusts. A pet training trust has, within the typical trust or will, […]

Florida unfair law

Jennifer Mee Case Florida woman Jennifer Mee was sentenced to life in prison without parole in 2013 after being convicted of first degree murder. If you think she deserved to be locked up for life, you can think again once you read the details of Jennifer’s case, which are: Jennifer made a date with a young man she contacted on […]

Hooray for the Federal Rules of Evidence!

The Federal Rules of Evidence used in the federal courts of the United States and adopted by many states and the military are the codification of many years of common law rules of evidence. The development of modern rules of evidence has been a process of nothing more than putting old wine into new bottles. If one can understand common […]

PS4 V PC Graphics Comparison – Part Two

In our previous article on PS4 v PC graphics, we considered the graphics performance of the Sony PlayStation 4 compared to a personal computer using systems that were comparable in cost. In this second article, we look at the comparison based solely on absolute performance. Absolute performance – PS4 v PC Graphics Looking at the debate without cost constraints, a […]