How to make money cleaning foreclosed houses

The number of foreclosed homes is increasing rapidly each month. Every day houses are being repossessed and the former owners leave them still littered with trash and abandoned property. This causes a problem for banks and real estate agents who have bought the properties but don’t want to go through the trouble of cleaning them up. By starting a business […]

Tips for Finding a Real Estate Agent

Real estate agents can help in two ways: in the sale and purchase of residential and commercial properties. They are people you can turn to when you need help selling your home or buying a new home or investment property. Not all people are carried away by the idea of ​​using real estate in their transactions. Some consider it an […]

Do a Personal Financial Assessment

To get to the top of the real estate investing mountain, you’ll want and need to use every tool available in your financial tool belt. While you can theoretically build a house with just a few tools, the quality of the house can suffer if you don’t have certain specialized tools at your disposal. The same is true when you […]

Foreclosure Property Money Pits – Tips from a Certified Home Inspector

New home buyers should be extremely cautious regarding hidden property defects of a foreclosure real estate purchase. Recent national real estate data reports that the majority of real estate transactions are now part of a foreclosure process. At the same time, a significant percentage of these buyers forego the recommended professional home inspection process. Buyers are skipping this careful inspection […]

Kettler Marathon ST Treadmill

Being a long distance runner, I try to mix my runs between road, cross country, and treadmills. This keeps workouts varied, stops boredom, and means I can train whatever the weather. I would recommend a treadmill to anyone with any fitness level. They provide a year-round source of exercise and with the latest technology you can easily monitor your progress, […]

What you need to understand to invest in real estate

Investing in real estate scares some people. Understanding what will happen when you invest, and even how to do it, can leave most people baffled. This article has been compiled to provide you with some easy yet effective tips for entering the exciting field of real estate investing. Remember that real estate investing is all about the numbers. When you’re […]