Risk and HR managers need to work together

With rising health care costs, companies routinely ask how they can continue to provide health benefits to their employees without reducing their bottom line. Traditionally, these decisions are made primarily by HR, which not only chooses which benefits to offer, but must also communicate those benefits, and changes to them, to employees. These decisions, however, should not be made in […]

The right mortgage option to buy a house

The things that can affect which type of mortgage option is the right one depends largely on the homebuyer. There are different types of low down payment and no down payment mortgages. Some home loans are better suited for specific types of homes. Distressed homes, for example, are best paired with an FHA 203k renovation loan. This type of home […]

Alternative loan options for residential real estate investments

Conventional loans are often the most difficult for real estate investors to obtain. Some lenders do not allow income from investment properties to be counted toward total income, which can make balloon underwriting an issue for certain investors, especially those who already have several existing conventional real estate loans reporting on their credit. In these cases, the investor must look […]

Land Trusts: The Answer to Short Sales?

Flipping a property means liquidating a property for one price and immediately (within minutes, hours, or a day) “flipping” or selling the property to another ultimate buyer for a higher price. This is a great situation for an investor who is short on cash, since the investor usually does not even need to come to closing with their own funds. […]

Creativity leads to family enrichment

CREATIVE ENRICHMENT FOR FAMILIES I found much enrichment in reading stories to my daughter every night until she was twelve years old. To this day we share those rich experiences. Many years ago we sat on the sofa and I drew pictures for my daughter. She told me how she wanted the figure to look and I, to the best […]