Is There Really An Xbox 360 Shortage?

Is There Really An Xbox Shortage? Some websites are convinced that “the whole shortage thing is faked to incite demand.” Microsoft’s CFO Chris Liddell recently told the LA Times that Xbox 360 supply won’t catch up with demand until the second half of the fiscal year, which ends June 30. Liddell told Reuters that the company expects to see more […]

An early look at the Google Pixel 2

The Google Pixel created quite a stir when it launched in 2016. The phone was heavily promoted and made famous with an advanced camera. Sales have been flat, but they haven’t posed a real threat to industry titans like Apple’s iPhone and Samsung Galaxy. Some believe that Pixel sales failed to challenge the bigger gamers due to a design that […]

Who is the real champion, Android or IOS?

The digital battle continues as Google’s Android titans and Apple’s iOS compete for ever-growing smartphone and tablet users around the world. Android and iOS are the operating systems that are mainly used in mobile technology. To this day, these two giants maintain a duopoly with 99% of smartphone sales. Android continues to dominate the market with an unprecedented 69.3% in […]

Industry and Commerce in Coventry

During World War II in the mid-20th century, Coventry had the dubious honor of being the UK’s third-most-bombed city after London and Plymouth. The reason Coventry was so heavily attacked during the war was its industrial base in the production of ammunition and military vehicles. Sadly, as with so many other UK cities, that industrial production base has all but […]

Kindle Fire – Review

Amazon’s upcoming new tablet that Jeff Bezos recently announced on September 28 has been creating quite a stir among tech enthusiasts. The Kindle Fire offers the functionality of a tablet and also a color e-book reader, but at a very attractive low price. The Fire is primarily designed as a media consuming device that runs on a modified version of […]

Star Wars news at Disney parks

Since Disney acquired the Lucasfilm franchise Expectations for the future of this most celebrated space opera continue to make headlines everywhere. In fact, discussions about new Things to do in Star Wars They have topped the list of all theme park speculation like never before. And I think the prospects of enjoying more of Star Wars in the middle of […]

Relax and feel good

I love the synchronicity of the universe. I am always reminded to return to the present moment. This morning I was feeling restless even after silent meditation and an inspiring message from daily reading. I decided to get some exercise and take my puppy for a bike run. As I was riding my bike down a winding country road, enjoying […]