Web design and your worst client

I always close deals with these: a slight hint of accent and charisma, an amalgamation of business metaphors and a languid monotone; in an attempt to deliver a half-assed performance and partial display of scholarship. In fact, I never imagined that dealing with different people would be as easy as this. My main task is to bring people to our […]

The rising cost of cloud computing

Whether you hire the granddaddy of cloud computing, Amazon, or some other cloud computing service, there is no doubt that startups pretty much build their businesses with the help of cloud computing services that give them instant access to cloud services over the Internet. What is the Cloud? So here is some technical news for you. The cloud is basically […]

Has Google helped end the need for advertising?

Here’s a question for the new year: Does a Google search ranking on the first page replace the need to keep spending on advertising? After all, if you’ve made it to the top of the listings in Google search results, what else is needed? Times have certainly changed. Understatement of the year, right? But it is true. Having been in […]

Computers have come a long way baby

Like many of us, there are times when I worry and get angry about how slow a web page loads or how long it takes to download a file. And, being a programmer by trade, I also sometimes tell myself how limited the command set is for a particular programming language or how slow a particular PC is to update […]

12 Benefits of Basketball Coach Certification

The question of why the gap in international basketball has been closed is a pressing one. The United States once dominated the Olympic and international game. Those days are gone as our training structure leaves a lot to be desired. The quality of our training has deteriorated, therefore other countries have made great progress due to a motivated training movement. […]

The history of STDs

The STD epidemic is not limited to today’s youth, oh no. Some STDs (and their scientifically dubious and painful treatments) date back several hundred years. Let’s take a look at some of the older ones and the myths about them that caused some pretty unorthodox treatment throughout STD history: Herpes Herpes has been around since ancient Greek times; in fact, […]

How digital technologies improve cinema

Breaking into the current film industry is a greater challenge than that of classic cinema. The digital age has certainly satisfied the universal passion of filmmakers for making movies. Today, digital technology has changed the way movies are made. Digital cinema opened up new opportunities and possibilities for filmmakers of both small independent films and big budget blockbusters. This also […]

10 deadly PowerPoint mistakes and how to avoid them

“PowerPoint has become a crutch for those who lack the skills, time, and commitment to create an effective presentation.” Too strong a statement? Perhaps, unless of course you’re one of the many presenters who rely heavily on PowerPoint, then that’s just some sound advice from a veteran organizational performance consultant. My good friend and fellow “marketing geezer guru” Bob Bly […]