‘Clues Name Hunt’ game for picnics or corporate events

Are you thinking about how to break the ice and keep the energy levels of the group high during the trip? Your activity options in this setting are very limited to some older games. This article features the first in a series of three innovative, on-the-go clue-finding games, great for school picnics or corporate team-building events. Situation You have a […]

iPhone Alternative – Almost Free Touchscreen Phones

iPhones are popular and have started a trend in phones known as “touchscreen phones.” The elegant features and James Bond appearance are so attractive and sexy that everyone is crazy about this phone. While the masses want one, not everyone can afford one or at least couldn’t until now. I’m sure you may have thought that maybe iPhones would drop […]

Feed your dog without breaking the bank

One of the biggest costs associated with owning a dog is food. Some expenses are negotiable. Your dog will likely sleep just as comfortably on an old, folded duvet as on that expensive memory foam dog bed, but good food is a must. To keep dogs happy and healthy, owners must provide foods made from high-quality ingredients that meet the […]

Handmade Mother’s Day Gift Basket Ideas

With Mother’s Day approaching, it’s time for us to think about what to get mom this year. With tough times everywhere, she surely knows that budgets are tight. Consider a handmade gift basket for Mother’s Day. Listed below are four amazing gift basket suggestions. First you will need a basket to create a handmade Mother’s Day gift. Look around you […]

Mini-robots, motherships, swarm strategies, wasps, ants, organization and delivery

Robots are for everyone. Tech TV now features Battle Bots, which is a huge hit with viewers and draws crowds as big as WFB Wrestling. Many of these people get very involved in the robot scene and even occasionally try to impress the military. Take a look at some of these super heavy combat bots, all build types available. [http://www.battlebots.com/superheavyweights.asp] […]

ADCOM Wireless On-Ear Headphones

The gaming industry has never seen an escalation like it has over the last 5 years, especially with handheld phones coming with never-before-seen increases in processing powers and high-performance GPU capabilities. We have never seen gaming oriented trends hit the market like Pokémon go and a whole PUBG culture brewing among the majority of the 18+ generation. The market is […]