Prolific Article Writing More careful contemplation creates better writing and traffic skills

Since signing up as an article writer, I have steadily increased the volume of articles I produce. At first, writing an article in an hour or two was a strain. After a few months, the process started to feel more familiar. Writing became more and more simple. My writing quality increased. The quantity also became simpler to achieve. The evidence […]

Weight loss after menopause

Even more reasons for older women (and probably men too) to not only lose weight; but keep the pounds off. A fascinating study on postmenopausal women finds that if they regain weight after losing postmenopausal weight, they don’t regain as much lean tissue as they lost, so the end result is more fat, even when they return to their original […]

3 Lessons Our Female Athletes Need To Learn

While I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a feminist, I do believe there are certain things that coaches of female athletes need to talk to their athletes about. I don’t mean sitting them down in a team meeting and talking, but it could be a conversation on the bus or a conversation between tournament games… you know, casual. What are those […]

7 Easy Steps to Get Rid of Yeast Candidiasis

Officially known as “thrush” in both men and women, yeast infection or candidiasis presents such a common problem in my daily practice that I decided to write this easy-to-follow guide to explain the key aspects of the yeast infection problem and outline the major treatment approaches in 7 easy steps. . Generally speaking, candidiasis is caused by the overgrowth of […]

The 7 best smartphones of 2016

Every day new phones with all new features keep flourishing in the world of smartphones. Big ‘megapixels’, Monster ‘RAM’ and Sexy ‘unibody aluminum’ leave no stone unturned in attracting customers. If you don’t know which phone to buy, then this article will surely solve your dilemma. Here are some of the best mobile phones of this year that celebrate everything […]

Magic on two wheels

What do you get when you take two frazzled schoolteachers, their twin 8-year-old sons, and a brand new bike built for three? I can’t speak for the others, but in our case, the result was a whole year full of magic. I will never forget that day: the day my husband, John, came home from a particularly difficult day in […]

Visit Malta: a unique experience in Malta

The island of Malta, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, is inhabited by 400,000 people and is geographically small. However, its charm and character are much greater, and some would find it hard to believe that such a small country could be so diverse and entertaining. In short, it is a place for culture, shopping, swimming, sports, spas, gastronomy, […]

The rising cost of cloud computing

Whether you hire the granddaddy of cloud computing, Amazon, or some other cloud computing service, there is no doubt that startups pretty much build their businesses with the help of cloud computing services that give them instant access to cloud services over the Internet. What is the Cloud? So here is some technical news for you. The cloud is basically […]