Lifestyle Fashion

3 Secrets to Getting More Love in Any Relationship

Many people, including myself, know what it is to feel a lack of love, compassion, and care. I was abandoned by my mother at three months old and adopted at the tender and vulnerable age of seven, after several foster homes. I never felt loved by my adoptive mother, and my father worked or slept. I never really had a conversation with him.

You identify? I don’t feel sorry for myself in any way, as this prompted my spiritual side to surface. It helped me learn that the only love that lasts forever, that’s true, is the one that never dies. No matter what you believe, you can always tap into that love. You can decide where it comes from, even from within yourself, because it is truly there, in your heart.

I found the secret to having more love in my life and infusing that love into every relationship to the point of seeing people miraculously change before my eyes. Yes, it took time, but it was worth every minute and discipline of love. These are some of my discoveries:

1. People respond to love. To give love to others, I first had to learn to give love to myself. Simply put, you can’t serve tea from an empty pot, no matter how much you want to serve your guest. What fills you with love? What recharges the battery of your love? Maybe it’s just reading a good book, gardening, or a hobby. If you don’t have time, imagine you have time and then start making time, starting small.

2. When you don’t need as much from others, they give you more love. because you are relaxed and fulfilled. Do you want to love a person in need? Probably not if you’re like most people. So take the time to attend to your own needs to the best of your ability. If you don’t have time for yourself, that’s an indication that something has to change. You’ll find a way if you really want to.

3. Practice accepting the love of others and you will feel more loved. I had to learn to receive even hugs! I was so busy giving in order to receive that I completely overlooked acceptance and receiving love in the little ways that people offered it to me. Even accepting compliments was something he had to learn. Just say “Thank you” and if you must say something else, “I’m glad you like it” without putting yourself down at all!

Gratitude is powerful. Being grateful for the love you already have in your life, no matter how small, even from pets, is a simple first step. Enjoy the journey of filling your life with more love!

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