
5 Tips to Speed ​​Up Your Job Search and Land Your Dream Job

The job search can take up to 6 months. Aack! You shrink… 6 months? Yes it’s correct. However, with aggressive and effective job search techniques, it can happen much faster. Here are 5 tips that will help you land the job you want…

1) NETWORK. Networking is the #1 way to get a job. 70% of job seekers find a job through who they know, not what they know. Okay, I’ll say it again. GRID. Tell everyone and anyone you know. Check your ‘contacts’ in your email addresses and reconnect with old friends and family. Take them to lunch. The best is face to face. Spread the word. Attend local business networking luncheons. Join a local organization… Chamber of Commerce, fundraising/volunteer groups, your church, anything to meet new people and get new contacts (by doing something nice for others and making yourself feel good at the same time). Return the favor by helping other people find jobs wherever you can. If you know that ABC Co. has a job opening that would be a perfect fit for Joe Smith, please call and let them know. Tell the people. Join an online social network like ‘LinkedIn’ (more on that below…you need your own title!). Networking is the fastest way to get a job.

2) JOB FAIRS. Job fairs offer the real factor that employers like. Remember to dress accordingly, because the first impression the HR person will have of you will be a lasting one. Do your homework and come prepared. What companies are going to be there? What jobs will they be offering? How do you match those job descriptions? Prepare your 30 second ‘elevator speech’. Role play with a friend how you will answer basic interview questions (What are your strengths and weaknesses? How have you helped your current company drive revenue growth? Reduce company costs? Etc.). Stay calm and enthusiastic about the position. Wow! with his knowledge of the companies. Collect cards from the tables for contact information and as you leave, be sure to stop at each one and thank them (again) for their time. Send each person you spoke to a thank you card. This will reiterate who they were and what they discussed. Don’t forget to get the contact information of the other candidates you spoke with. You never know when you will be able to help each other.

3) ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS. These are quickly becoming one of the best ways to network. I use LinkedIn and I really liked it. It has been an interesting way to reconnect with colleagues and friends from the university. I know Facebook is getting quite a following and I’m sure there will be others coming out faster than you can say MySpace. I offer a private LinkedIn “connection” to my clients. This allows them to connect with other executives within my community. You can also look up company names and see if you know anyone at the company. Or find the name of a contact person and contact them via LinkedIn or in the company. It’s also a great way to establish a presence and hopefully get found by recruiters.

4) SUMMARY AND COVER LETTER. Your resume and cover letter are essential tools for the success of your job search. Does your summary accurately show your achievements? Do you use keywords correctly? Have you created a personal brand for yourself? Is it attractive to look at? Does it have glitter and shine? Will it keep the reader interested? Are there any grammar, punctuation, or syntax errors? Are you up to date or do you need an update? Have it done by a professional. It cannot be stressed enough. A great summary not only looks great, but also reads great. My clients have told me that they sent their freshly written professional resume to a company they just applied to a month or two ago, and received immediate responses and offers (an obvious freebie, yes). It’s an investment that keeps on giving and is worth its weight in gold.

5) STAY POSITIVE. This is very important for your job search. Staying positive and focused on the outcome you want is really a big part of getting a job done faster. Think about this: remember that bad day you had? It started badly when you stubbed your toe getting out of bed, escalated when you ran out of toothpaste and saw that your favorite shoes had massive wear on them. You sulked when you noticed your gas tank was on “E”, praying you’d make it to the gas station. I have to work late, and so on. Do you see the domino effect? That was not an accident. It was the energy you were taking out. The worse you got, the worse your day got. Fortunately, it also works the other way around. Now think about a great day you had. He got to work early, his boss commented on how well he’s doing, his favorite special of the day was on the menu for lunch, he got a fantastic new account, and so on. You were walking on air, enjoying your big day. That wasn’t accidental either. You were emitting positive energy and the people around you felt it. You may think this is silly, but give it a try today and see how your day improves. Like attracts like. May your attention expand. If you focus on the good things, you’ll get more of it. If you focus on the bad, you’ll get more of it too. So stay positive, focus on the progress you’ve made, and know that the right job is on its way.

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