
Procrastination: a problem that arises among YOUNG PEOPLE

Avoiding procrastination is just good advice for fake procrastinators. What neither the dictionary nor the fake procrastinators understand is that for a real procrastinator, procrastination is not optional, it is something they don’t know how not to do.

The phrases I have quoted above are from a major blog. A blog that has been shared more than a few hundred thousand times. It’s something that even I would have accepted a couple of months ago. But the truth is that all those who agree with the blog are people who to date have had no problem doing all the tasks at the last minute.

Personally, I navigated my entire education procrastinating. But recently, a particular subject hit me hard in the face. It was then that I realized that I was on the wrong track. It is when life gives you something difficult that you realize your mistake.

Procrastination —–> STRESS

It’s something I don’t know how not to do.

  • A story that every procrastinator tells himself when told to avoid last minute jobs. You shouldn’t use avoid, procrastination is one of the few things you should eliminate from your daily routine. A procrastinator believes that the best is when he works under pressure to the end. If you also believe that this is true, you are wrong. That’s the best you’ve ever seen of yourself. You can do much better. Read below to find out how I got over procrastination.

The STORIES we tell ourselves is what shapes our lives and the way we work.

Most of the procrastinators are among our young people. Getting rid of this habit is an important necessity. We know that in the end we have to do our job. So why not do it with ease, why put a great deal of pressure and stress on ourselves? Stress that directly affects our health.

Considering the students, they complain about the work that is done to them, but this is not the case in most cases. Assigned work is for the entire semester, it should not be completed in a couple of days. Think about it!


The first step away from procrastination is to stop telling yourself that last minute jobs are the only way you can work. The instant you stop telling this story, you can say that you have achieved your first milestone towards success.

I took a few steps to achieve this goal. Follow them and you will see the RESULTS.

1. Review your day.

Make a list of what you have done during the day. It may seem like a waste of time at first, but trust me on this and do it for about a week and it will help you clearly see where you are spending most of your time.

For me, it was mostly about social networking sites and browsing the internet out of curiosity about certain topics. I found that it took me about 1 hour to do a 15 minute job. Embarrassing, huh?

Ultimately reviewing your day will give you a better understanding of why you procrastinate.

2. Be free from distractions.

Once you know your reasons for procrastinating, the next step is to avoid these distractions at work. You don’t need to completely eliminate these distractions, but you should avoid them at work.

Instead of scrolling through your timeline or browsing the internet at random hours, you can set aside a couple of hours just to meet these needs. There is no need to work or write assignments during this period. When you’re at work or college and a random thought strikes you, instead of immediately turning on your phone and Googling what you have in mind, write it down and do whatever it takes when you’re free. THIS WILL SAVE YOU A LOT OF TIME AND INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY.

3. Remember.

Many times, as human beings, we tend to forget to do the things that we have been assigned. A good way to do this is by writing it down.

If you have something that you always forget, a good idea is to set it as your phone password. According to one study, the average person checks their phone 110 times a day. That means you get a reminder 110 times a day without the alarm going off, which means no more headaches.

For example: You need to review your day, the good thing would be to set your password as review. We use our phones several times a day. Therefore, you never forget what you have to do.

4. Prioritize your day.

When you wake up early in the morning, you need to know your goals for the day. Your day should work within these priorities. Before sleeping there should be no incomplete work. (Jobs assigned for the day)

5. Believe in yourself.

Once you start to believe in yourself and believe in yourself, procrastination will be a thing of the past.

There could be many other ways to get rid of procrastination, but these few steps helped me greatly.



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