Arts Entertainments

How to wear capri pants for women

Capri pants for women first became popular in the early 1960s, when stars like Mary Tyler Moore began wearing them on television. Back then, women’s capri pants were considered daring – the norm for women’s clothing was, of course, much more formal and buttoned, requiring skirts. Of course, a lot has changed since then, but capri pants for women are still a fashionable piece for women.

The wide variety of cuts, materials and even lengths that women’s capri pants are available in makes them a versatile wardrobe item. But this potentially modern women’s garment can also go wrong. Here are some tips on how to wear, and how not to wear, capri pants for women this season.

First, let’s discuss how not to wear capri pants for women. Many cuts are loose, which can work, but only if the rest of your style is polished. Slightly baggy capri pants with other pieces of trendy feminine clothing, such as a classy, ​​fitted top, cute earrings, and high heels, can make an eye-catching outfit for a night out on the town.

However, baggy capri pants for women paired with oversized tees, sneakers, or other sloppy shoes will make you look scruffy and even shorter than you are.

That’s not to say that capri pants can’t be turned into cute casual outfits paired with other pieces of trendy women’s clothing.

For weekend lunches or errand days, you can try a pair of skinny capris with a bulky peasant-style blouse or tunic, chunky wedge shoes, and a brightly colored bag. You can also try flat shoes or even sandals, but again, for the rest of the outfit, go with fashionable feminine clothing that fits the shape.

Of course, women’s capris can also be dressed up for a date or a night out. Here, it is best to stay away from baggy fits and make sure that the rest of your outfit is made up of very modern women’s clothing.

For a night out, try a sequined tank top, dangling earrings, a small tote bag, and high and high heels. For this or a date night, you will also want to choose a dark or deep color, rather than a khaki green or tan, to avoid looking too casual.

If you work in a place that allows trendy women’s clothing in the dress code, capris can work too. In this case, you should choose a style that is longer, which almost touches the ankles, and avoid looser fittings. Make the rest of your outfit a little more elegant and polished, and go for conservative colors.

To get your own ideas on how to wear capris for women, there are a number of online resources filled with trendy women’s clothing suggestions.

If you are going to combine an ensemble with capris pants, you should definitely take a look at the clothing brand HeartSoul. The trendy womenswear brand offers several of the latest trouser styles, including capris for women. All styles are affordable and most come in extended sizes. Check out their online lookbook for ideas on how to combine the different pieces of the brand.

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