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A guide to clairvoyance

For some, however, the gift of seer remains and a percentage of people will develop this gift.

In a clairvoyance guide we will examine the gift of clairvoyance by becoming a clairvoyant. Clairvoyance is the ability to see what is not seen or have the power to know or know realities, to see the different levels of the Astral Plane. Clairvoyants can see energy fields, spirits, symbols, and have visual premonitions. Developing clairvoyance is not difficult, first of all, in order to rekindle the gift of clairvoyance, you are advised to get rid of negative thoughts and tendencies and understand that fear, doubt, nervousness and anxiety will impede achievement and can block the development of clairvoyance completely.

How clairvoyants see: Generally, most clairvoyants see things in their mind, whereas a clairvoyant will be able to study their image and pick up on their feelings and emotions.

Clairvoyance uses the same parts of your brain that are active when you dream or visualize. If you are able to visualize anything, then you have the ability of clairvoyance. The gift of clairvoyance becoming a psychic allows you to get to know people on an exceptionally personal level.

Clairvoyants often pick up other people’s energy and can take on other people’s negativity, feelings, emotions and problems without being aware of it. Clairvoyants are generally easy to communicate with and will often find people coming to them to vent their difficulties.

You’ve probably already heard people refer to clairvoyance as the sixth sense. Clairvoyance is often associated with precognition or retrocognition, as well as psychometrics.

If an artist or someone who efficiently uses the right side of his brain were to become enlightened (psychic) ​​he would have the ability to read auras, our chakras, draw guides, and thus channel what he received because the ability to see images is his greatest sensitivity.

The difference in vision between clairvoyance and clairvoyance

A clairvoyant would probably pick up and see your aura. The aura that surrounds each of us is made up of seven auric layers/bodies. Each of the subtle auric bodies that exist around our physical body has its own unique frequency, the auric bodies are interconnected and affect our feelings, emotions, thinking, behavior and health.

During a reading, the clairvoyant may see a symbol or movie scene that is a metaphor for the situation.

What clairsentence is is a metaphysical sense (something outside of physical reality as we understand it) that relates to recurring physical and emotional feelings, this is known as gut feeling and indicates divine guidance. If you have ever been overcome by a physical or emotional feeling with no apparent connection to your current state of mind, you have just experienced clairsentience.

Clairvoyance (clear sensation) is one of its metaphysical senses. The other metaphysical senses are clairvoyance (clear vision), clairaudience (clear hearing), and clairvoyance (clear knowledge).

What is Psychometrics? It is a complete consciousness captured by a person as a result of contact with an object, a letter or another person, the seer must have a sensation, receive strong signals. With time and trials, the art of psychometry can be mastered, indicating that clairvoyance is an attainable gift, with patience and effort.

What is intuition? It is the highest attribute of the human mind but it is latent in most people who say that it can be developed in practically everyone. It is the natural and instant awareness of facts, principles, events and things. To develop intuition, simply when you get an intuitive thought try it right away, it will help your insights become clearer, stronger, more frequent and free.

What then are the main differences between clairvoyance, psychometry and intuition?

• See clairvoyance,
• Psychometrics feel,
• Intuition knows instantly.

To further explain this in our ordinary everyday life, we see as everyone else sees. In clairvoyance we see more clearly; in psychometry we feel more intensely, and in intuition we jump to results in an instant.

A guide to clairvoyance and openness.

To use the gift of clairvoyance and become a seer, you must activate the third eye chakra, the pineal gland:

Many people believe that herbs such as:

wood betony
Asiatic spark
Ginkgo Leaf (Ginko Gobola)

Some consequences of opening the third eye chakra, the pineal gland, include: increased lucidity in dreams, clearer psychic visions, hearing voices or sounds, and increased telepathic ability. The herbs can be made into tea.

My personal preference would be the use of Crystals:

*Lapis lazuli

These crystals can be used in meditations, put under your pillow, directly on the third eye area, turned into jewelry.

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