
Caring for a cat with diarrhea

A cat with diarrhea should be bought from a vet as soon as possible because diarrhea is a symptom of many diseases and disorders that can lead to serious problems.

After the vet has seen your cat and given her the medication she needs for any illness she may have, you will continue to have a problem that a cat with diarrhea can bring: loose feces around the house.

Diapers for cats

When your cat has diarrhea then you will not be able to control when or where he will defecate and one of the best ways to deal with the mess is to have the cat wear diapers. These diapers look a lot like those worn by human babies. The diaper has a soft, absorbent pad for urine and feces inside, and a waterproof and leak-proof cover. The difference is that cat diapers will have a small hole to let the cat’s tail out.

Make the cat wear the diaper

It won’t be easy at first, and forcing the cat to wear the diaper will only make things worse. Make sure to speak to the cat in a soft voice before diapering the cat. If the cat gets too angry, stop, give you and the cat a chance to rest and try again. Again, like human baby diapers, cat diapers need to be checked and changed. You should also make sure that the cat does not worry, feel uncomfortable or try to remove it.

Other measures

Aside from medication and diapers, ask your vet if a change in the cat’s diet will help with diarrhea. Some cat foods are easier on the stomach than others and can help keep bowel movements in check.

You will also need a good supply of sanitary wipes like Lysol wipes, because there will be inevitable accidents from a cat with diarrhea.

Never lose your temper when dealing with a cat with diarrhea – it’s not like they can help it. If the diarrhea is caused by something that can be avoided, do your best to prevent it from happening again by eliminating the cause of the diarrhea.

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