5 ways to boost fall production

Let’s face it, 2020 has been a difficult year. First the pandemic; then be sent home to work; then you find it difficult to get in touch with people who also work from home … Now that fall is almost upon us, things are still up in the air: are our kids going back to school? Shall we go back […]

The Critical Illness Insurance Market

In my previous article: Five Steps to Critical Illness Sales Success, the first step was identifying your target market. With your goal identified, you can begin to list the various goals that can be achieved with the use of a critical illness insurance policy. Some potential markets are: Autonomous individuals The family / single parent market The group insurance market […]

3 day diet to lose 10 pounds

The 3-day diet is a fad diet, that is, a weight loss diet that had quickly gained popularity, but at a time whose popularity had waned. It had been a well-known diet from 1985. The 3-day diet is a regulated diet plan that still exists in the texts and is practiced by some for rapid weight loss, lowering cholesterol, cleansing, […]

When is a crayon not a crayon?

Conte Crayon’s story is interesting. During the French Revolution, when Paris was under siege, much-needed supplies of English graphite were permanently seized, creating a problem for French pencil, artist, and scientist Nicholas-Jacques Conté. Conté had opened his pencil factory with his brother Louis in 1793. In order for his business to survive, he had to find another way to produce […]

8 fundamental steps to establish a culture of customer service

“The greatest asset of any company is its customers, because without customers there is no company “–Erwin Frand During our recent weak economy, many businesses have experienced declining revenues and shrinking budgets. Declining budgets often lead to reduced levels of staff and diminished services. This doesn’t make sense to me. I think it’s during downtime that service needs to be […]