Saturday mail delivery

In February, the United States Postal Service declared that it would stop delivering first-class mail on Saturday. However, they were ready to accept packages, express mail and drug mail orders on Saturdays as they are very important and save lives, but letters, catalogues, cards and invoices would be refused on weekends to save $2 billion by year. This important decision […]

Anxiety Solutions: Control Your Mind And Feel Good!

Anxiety is generally not caused by brain abnormalities or mixed chemistry. Most of the anxiety that ordinary people suffer from has its cause somewhere. Whether it’s morning traffic, major changes at work, or a new addition to the family, something is causing you stress and worry. Almost everyone suffers from anxiety and panic attacks. It’s not a sign that you’re […]

Starting a Tax-Exempt Organization

The term 501(c)(3) refers to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which contains the rules and regulations governing exempt organizations. Tax-exempt organizations are commonly known as 501(c)(3). 501(c)(3) includes both public charities and private foundations. Being a tax-exempt organization is not static. It is a process with a life cycle. The five normal steps for the life cycle of […]

Learning to invest: what you should know

People have different reasons why they would like to try investing. Surely you have your own motivations, such as preparing for a comfortable retirement, saving for your children’s college expenses, buying a house, etc. This is a good start for organizing your business portfolio. The next step you must take is to learn how to invest in the most productive […]

Kuinka sähkömoottorit toimivat

Kuinka sähkömoottorit Sähkömoottorit muuttavat sähköenergian mekaaniseksi energiaksi magneettikenttien ja sähkövirtojen vuorovaikutuksella johdinkäämeissä. Tämä voima kohdistaa pyörivän liikkeen moottorin akseliin, joka puolestaan käyttää laitteita ja koneita. Niitä voidaan käyttää tasavirralla (DC) akuista, tasasuuntaajista tai sähköverkosta tai vaihtovirrasta (AC). Sähkömoottorit voivat tuottaa erilaisia nopeuksia riippuen siitä, miten ne on rakennettu ja millä laitteilla ne on suunniteltu toimimaan. Niitä käytetään monilla teollisuudenaloilla, kuten […]

On being a rice queen

In my upcoming novel “The Rice Queen Spy” I pay homage to a British Caucasian homosexual who spent his entire life having sexual encounters only with Asian men. In essence, “No Caucasian Needs to Run” was his motto. A rice queen is a black or Caucasian gay man who is wholly or partially devoted to Asian men. It’s something of […]

Your employee brand

You can easily talk about your company’s brand and the image presented to customers and suppliers. Could you say the same about the brand image of your employees? Do you know how current and former employees describe your business and what it’s like to work with you? This is a harder question to answer. Not to mention, once you know […]

The five key pricing problems for businesses

Let’s face it, pricing the products or services you offer is a nightmare. How many of your customers out of 100 say: hey, that’s too cheap, I’ll pay you much more than that? · How often do you think that in order to respond to the competition you have to lower your prices? How many of you don’t really understand […]

Are Trade Carbon Credits Good For Criminal Activity?

Trade Carbon Credits Good Trade carbon credits are a way to offset the emissions that companies produce, and they are often referred to as carbon offsets. These credits are purchased by businesses that want to meet their environmental commitments, and they are sold to others who are trying to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. However, if these offsets are used […]

Are you a green leader?

GREEN. Second to the word “Recession”, the word “Green” is everywhere these days. Green is the new black, not in terms of fashion, but in terms of benefits. Green is business. Big business. Organic products. Green processes. green service. America has gone green and the greenbacks are following. A few years ago, when I ran an organic beverage business for […]