Memory is stored outside the body

Science News Magazine February 3, 2018, “People tend to think of memories as ephemeral and deeply personal possessions: fragments of emotions, words, colors and smells sewn into our unique neural tapestries as life goes on.” One of today’s most entrenched explanations places engrams (memories) directly inside synapses, connections where chemical and electrical messages move between nerve cells, or neurons. However, […]

Passover Feast Controls Candida Albican Yeast

Yeast-related diseases have been around for centuries. Four hundred years before the birth of Christ, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, recorded many cases of thrush, cradle cap, and other fungal skin infections. These are all signs of candida albicans yeast infection. A Biblical Candida Albican Diet It came to my attention one day that the week-long Feast of Passover […]

How to define entrepreneurial spirit

Entrepreneurship is often difficult to define let alone examine in detail due to its perception as a highly creative and dynamic entity and it is with this caveat that this article is written. While entrepreneurship can be applied to a wide range of disciplines and professionals, it is perhaps most closely associated with the business world and misused to describe […]

Chakra Crystal Healing: A Practical Guide

Who among us really understands the chakras? For all we know about these seven spinal energy points, much remains to be discovered. According to ancient texts, the chakras appear as spinning wheels of light. In fact, the word chakra in Sanskrit means wheel. The chakras receive and emit energy, which can be negative or positive depending on the health of […]