Lifestyle Fashion

Formostar Infrared Body Wrap VS Infrared Sauna: The Differences Revealed

Over the past few years I have often been asked “What is the difference between a Formostar Infrared Body Wrap and an Infrared Sauna?” Well, there is a big difference to say the least, but first let me explain what Far Infrared is.

Keeping it simple, Far Infrared (FIR) light is a form of heat energy and is invisible to the naked eye. It is the heat you feel on your skin when you are outside in the sun. FIR is measured in wavelengths called microns that are best absorbed by humans within the 3 to 50 micron range, with 9.4 microns being optimal. This is the exact wavelength that the Formostar is programmed for.

FIR effects weaken over distance, so the closer your body is to the source of the FIR, the more impact they will have. This is where the difference between a wrap and a sauna begins!

When close to the body, FIR can penetrate 4-5 cm/2 inches through the skin (dermis), muscles, blood vessels, lymph glands, nerves, and cells. Infrared also only travels in a straight line and does not reflect. Sauna FIR items are hidden behind walls and stay out of sight, so it can be a bit of a job to guess how far away from them you might be. These elements will warm you and the air around you; however, the penetration will not be as deep into the tissue layers. Due to its proximity to the skin, 93% of the rays emitted by Formostar are absorbed through the skin and deeper tissues. Another advantage the wrap has over a sauna is that when you have a Formostar infrared body wrap, your head is free of heat and you can breathe clean room air, an unavoidable problem associated with a sauna.

Most infrared saunas only last for a half hour session. It actually takes 20-30 minutes for the body to warm up to a fat-burning stage, so a sauna ends just as it’s starting. One Formostar lasts fifty minutes, giving you more than enough time to sweat up a storm and burn up to 1,200 calories.

Far infrared energy vibrates cells helping to break connections between deposits such as fats and toxins. The continuous vibration of the body’s molecules increases the temperature of the dermis, dilates blood vessels, stimulates circulation and activates metabolism in tissues and cells. With the targeted and deep effect of Formostar wraps, the areas where we have the largest fat deposits (tummy, hips and thighs) are targeted so that the cells underneath become more activated and release more fat and toxins.

The Formostar is German-made and is the only machine of its kind in the world to use high-density, hypoallergenic silicone in its casings. This is necessary for the bandages to be certified for use on the human body. Being silicone, the wraps are impervious to bacteria and are also very easily cleaned of bodily fluids with an organic sanitizer between clients. While there have been bacterial issues with multiple users in a sauna, there are no known problems with the use of Formostar.

The Formostar has been approved as a Type 2 Medical Device in Europe, the US and Australia, and has undergone safety and compliance testing in Australasia. It is listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Products and is the only infrared device with these approvals. If products are not listed as approved therapeutic devices, companies are not legally allowed to claim that their products can achieve specific results, especially for weight loss and pain relief. In order to claim that their product can actually produce these results, companies must have their own studies. You will find that most other infrared products rely on articles posted on the web and anecdotal evidence regarding the benefits of infrared to sell their products. Formostar has two clinical studies and a third ongoing.

Each Formostar customer must complete a medical questionnaire prior to their wrap to ensure they do not have contraindications. Other products that warm the body do not. All staff must be trained and accredited to be able to use Formostar on clients; other infrared products do not appear to have this accreditation process.

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