5 crazy investment ideas that paid off

It is likely that the fate of anyone who comes up with crazy investment ideas is to laugh at first. However, all people should keep in mind that no matter how crazy an idea is, there may be a way to make it work. Simply finding the right audience, the right time, or the right marketing push can make even […]

Why a cute creature from the rodent family could be your ideal pet

Love the sight of adorable hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, or chinchillas in a pet store? They have certainly found their way into cartoons, stories, and cute greeting cards. The story of the rabbits is reminiscent of Beatrix Potter’s literary work, especially that of the fuzzy little evil Peter who snuck into a farmer’s garden and had a feast before being chased. […]

Teacup kittens: the pros and cons of a smaller size

The teacup kitten is not so much a breed as a description of a group of cats that are much smaller than average in size. This can be due to several reasons and some who are born very small do not always stay that way. For some people, its small size is a huge advantage, especially for those with smaller […]

Ferret rescue and its due importance

You know them as small furry animals, known by various names such as jills (female), bobs (males) and kits (ferret babies). You know they have been domesticated for thousands of years. Adorably lively little creatures that make wonderful pets, sleep like babies most of the day (exactly 18 hours) and amuse their owners with their playful and mischievous ways; you […]

Things to consider before adopting a Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are loving pets. They are small enough that you can hug them. They are very alert and make an excellent watchdog. All dog lovers would love to have a Chihuahua as a pet. But before getting one for yourself, there are a few things to consider before adopting a Chihuahua. There are a few things to check before adopting […]

The Pros and Cons of Using a Cat Genie

A cat genius is definitely a boon for cat lovers. It is a self-cleaning litter box that can clean itself like an appliance, and flush your pet’s waste like a toilet. In fact, there are a host of perks this genius of cats can offer, but you should expect a fair amount of trouble as well. In this review, let’s […]

Spot a fake Siberian husky breeder

You want to be sure that the Siberian Husky you have decided to source will come from a reputable Siberian Husky breeder for your sake and that of your family. There are quick ways to spot a fake Siberian husky breeder and as a responsible owner you should take the time to do enough research so that you can be […]

Beagle training basics

Beagles are one of the most popular breeds in the United States and Canada. They are one of the oldest breeds of dogs and were originally bred to hunt in small packs or suspenders (pairs). Today, hunting and field trials are still popular with beagles, but they are increasingly being raised as family pets. Beagles are adorable and friendly by […]

Three reasons why adopting a dog is the best option

Note: I mentioned above “dog adoption” and not “dog purchase”. If you want to have a dog, it is advisable to adopt one rather than buy one. Puppy mills are largely responsible for the sale of dogs. These mills are a well-kept secret of the pet trade industry. They supply animals to pet stores and purebred enthusiasts without providing proper […]