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Establish a good relationship with co-workers

Communication and relationships are very important in the business world. Being able to work with others is often vital to being assigned to high-profile projects, desirable transfers, and possible promotions. Building relationships begins with the relationship between co-workers. The relationship is built with open communication, a positive attitude of interest in the other person and the exploration of her interests.

The most important relationship builder is the frequent use of people’s names. Learn the name by which the people you work with prefer to be called. Some people prefer their formal first name and others find it too hostile or have seen it as part of corrective action and therefore prefer a shorter version of their name. Since most nicknames are reserved for the family and are considered unprofessional, you should not use a nickname unless the person has asked you to.

To build a professional relationship, ask someone about their day. If the person is working on an interesting project, they will tell you about it and can provide fodder for future work-related conversations without seeming bossy or nosy. If the person is working on a difficult project or is behind on her work, she may also feel comfortable letting you know this. This will give you a chance to offer to help catch up if you have time. You can also offer examples of similar problems you had and ways you overcame obstacles to complete difficult projects.

To create a more personal connection, ask a co-worker about their weekend. In a few minutes, they will respond with what they did. Things like watching a sport, playing a game, or attending a children’s program will give you insight into what the person is personally interested in. You can then build on this for future conversations to build a more friendly and open relationship.

To make others feel part of the same team, go out to lunch with individuals or groups during a work day when you or they can take a break from the workspace. As appropriate, invite people over to your home for dinner, a game, or a new movie that might interest them.

A few simple questions and actively listening to the answers creates an atmosphere of open communication and enhances rapport with co-workers. The key to better projects, challenging transfers or promotions is being able to work with others. Good communication skills and the ability to build relationships will continue to be important in the business world.

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