Real Estate

Exterminator for New and Existing Owners

Once a home has been built and occupied, an exterminator can be your greatest ally. Their goal, like that of any good homeowner, is to provide pest control for the cleanliness and safety of the home. An exterminator can work at all stages of the management process as is common with their provided inspection, removal, treatment, return for further management, and even preventative advice and techniques for homes or structures of any size. Safety and sanitation factors become issues for residents as the infestation enters. Insects bring E.Coli, salmonella and other bacteria on their bodies and especially in their waste. Larger pests such as rodents, reptiles, birds, and raccoons destroy the home’s structure and landscape. But no insect or rodent should feel comfortable setting up their nests in any human’s home, garage, child’s play, or family vehicle at any time of the year.

It is common knowledge that insects often seek shelter from the outdoor elements during very hot summers, so they head indoors to nest or find a regular supply of food. Some of the intruders include the same ants, termites, and all reproductive creatures looking for a place to have and raise their young before unleashing their generations on the local area.

Frankly, exterminators understand that large insects and pests will establish temporary homes for several days, months, or years, but it is not the responsibility of the homeowner to live with these possibly sick squatters for an indeterminate period of time. This is where the exterminator comes in in two stages of home ownership to protect the owner, as an investor, and all residents, whether large, small, animal or human. But pest control methods have to be humane and preferably eco-friendly these days. Today, consumers and homeowners have access to information about the short- and long-term effects of typical chemical pest control, so they seek alternatives for the safety of their families. An expertly trained exterminator can help each homeowner make an informed decision regarding a pest solution for their home and their family.

Therefore, these pest control specialists are extremely effective when it comes to buying a home and when it comes to maintaining a pest-free home throughout the entire property. So during an initial home inspection, the biggest threat is termites because of the great damage they will continue to do if their point of entry and all living bodies are not removed and the soil treated. It is structurally dangerous to attempt to live in a home where the level of damage is indeterminable until a thorough inspection has been carried out and all signs of termite life have been removed. The second stage occurs throughout home ownership with annual requests and inspections as necessary to protect internal structures and rooms for all safety and sanitation described above.

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