
Genealogy Researchers Revolutionize Their Ancestors’ Search Engines on Genealogy Day, March 9

“Names are an important key to what a society values. Anthropologists recognize that naming is ‘one of the main methods of imposing order on perception.’ ~ David S. Slawson

I hope everyone enjoyed Celebrate Your Name Week (CYNW) during the week of March 3-9. It was a whole week of tribute to anthroponomastics (the study of personal names), and each day a different aspect of names was celebrated, from “Unique Names Day” to “Middle Name Pride Day”. I don’t know about you, but I was more excited for National Genealogy Day, culmination of the festivities on March 9.

CYNW was first established in 1997 by Jerry Hill, an onomatologist (one who studies the origins of proper names). National Genealogy Day is the seventh and final day of CYNW and is best understood as a day that reminds us to research, as well as appreciate our genealogy and family heritage. Once upon a time, ancestral roots were, most of the time, safeguarded by the “spinster” of the family or other members considered a bit eccentric. While some of these integrated genealogists traced the history of the family tree for posterity, others may have been motivated by a desire to gain status by associating with their more successful ancestors and ancestors; the same is true today.

Genealogists may think of family genealogy as a simple hobby that has taken a vacation of its own, but ancestry tracking is a 365-day-a-year industry that continues to attract significant numbers of people who have a passion for solving family puzzles. who begot who, including the what, when, where, how, and possibly why of everything. The number of family genealogy researchers is increasing at a staggering rate, and this is certainly cause for celebration.

Many family tree researchers, including Mormons, conduct ancestry searches as a critical part of their journey in faith. Other ancestor-seeking hobbyists seek to trace their ancestry as a prerequisite for membership in one of many lineage organizations, including but not limited to the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), the Sons of the American Revolution. (SAR), the Mayflower. Society or other organizations based on history. Additionally, the recent focus on inherited diseases and genetic predispositions has prompted more people to consider genetic genealogy (namely, DNA Testing) through professional genealogy services.

While we surely are more than we inherit, we add something to the mix ourselves by celebrating National Genealogy Day, which promises to offer bits of personal knowledge and some primetime family genealogy surprises. As you find your ancestors, you may discover that you have a rogue or a king in the closet, a sinner or a saint. That’s part of the “good stuff” about ancestor hunts, because eccentric ancestors make conversations entertaining at parties and around the Thanksgiving table.

If you are lucky enough to have your parents, uncles, or grandparents still alive, consider celebrating National Genealogy Day by asking them to share their family genealogy stories and family history to help you in your effort to find your ancestors.

Some websites to help you get started writing your family genealogy include:

  • Ten Steps to Writing Your Family History
  • “How to write your personal and family history” on the learn / wiki site at
  • The Armchair Genealogist: “Research and Write Your Family History”
  • “How to Write Your Family History” on

Here are some other ideas to celebrate National Genealogy Day:

  • Family stories are further fueled by making the dish that Grandma (or another favorite family cook) was known for. Never underestimate the influence of aroma and taste on memory.
  • Don’t forget to collect and share family photos and letters as well.
  • If convenient, use the day to visit a cemetery where an ancestor rests. Headstones include the date of birth and death, a maiden name and the name of your spouse or parents and sometimes a priceless gem on those left behind.
  • Public libraries often mark National Genealogy Day. Go learn the basics of family tree research for free.
  • Thanks to various websites, such as Ancestry and RootsWeb, genealogists can conduct ancestor searches online for free. (Always check the posted information, which may have been incorrectly transcribed.)
  • Consider contacting an ancestry genealogy service to help you productively start or continue on your genealogy journey to trace family history, even beyond personal memories and published genealogies. Genealogy Services has professional genealogy researchers available to help you uncover the hard-to-unravel mysteries of family search genealogy.

At its core, National Genealogy Day is about delving into family genealogy, allowing genealogists to discover where their ancestors lived, what lives they led, as well as joy, pain, and brokenness, and healing and grace, that they left in their wake. National Genealogy Day can help us connect as individuals, families, and communities. Don’t wait until March 9 to start celebrating. Celebrate Genealogy Day throughout the year. Consider contacting an ancestry genealogy service as a gift to yourself and your descendants.

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