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Have explosive sex with your wife lasting all night! This will make you last longer in bed!

Do you want to have explosive sex with your wife lasting all night? Do you always ejaculate quickly and can’t last longer in bed? I understand how you feel. I also suffered from premature ejaculation. It was extremely frustrating for my girlfriend as she would be awake and I would have passed out. And it was also embarrassing. I desperately searched for a cure. And then I came across certain clandestine techniques to last longer in bed. After I started using them the results were amazing. It used to last 40 minutes and sometimes two hours. Recently, I lasted about two hours and forty minutes. If you want to last and please your partner like never before, I highly recommend that you pay close attention and read every word on this page.

Here are the clandestine techniques to have explosive sex and last all night…

deep breaths- Deep breathing has many benefits. It gives you more sexual stamina, keeps you relaxed and gives you more ejaculatory control. If you take short breaths, it’s not likely to last. Short breaths actually cause you to get aroused too soon and ejaculate faster. It’s because most of the oxygen you inhale doesn’t get into your brain. But when you take a deep breath, oxygen fully enters the brain and regulates the hormones responsible for lasting longer in bed. So if you want to last longer in bed, practice deep breathing. Practice deep breathing while you masturbate, have sex, or work. Keep practicing until you make a habit.

masturbating longer Men often masturbate frequently for less time. This is extremely bad for your sexual stamina. If your masturbation session lasts only a few minutes, you will obviously ejaculate faster and pass out. Many men pick up this habit when they are teenagers. This is extremely bad for you, your wife and your relationships. It also hurts your sexual desire. Make sure you only masturbate once a week. And be sure to masturbate for at least thirty to forty-five minutes each session.

Keep masturbating until you reach the point of no return. While masturbating, you can try to develop ejaculation control by squeezing your penis when you are about to ejaculate or simply by squeezing your penile muscles to prevent ejaculation from coming out. The more you practice, the more stamina you’ll gain and the longer you’ll last in bed.

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