
How does your relationship affect your health?

Our life revolves around three basic things:

  1. Physical Health
  2. Professional life
  3. Relations

I call them circles of concern and it doesn’t matter what these circles overlap with each other. Financial worries will affect your relationships and your relationship has a direct bearing on your business life. It is impossible to live in one circle and forget about the other.

Your physical health is just as important. When you are sick you cannot perform well. You cannot enjoy life without good health.

Every relationship is important but in my opinion these 2 are the most important:

  1. Your relationship with your spouse
  2. your relationship with your children

Each of us goes through two important decisions in our life:

  • Choice of partner for life
  • Choosing a good career.

We have to make these decisions when we are teenagers, it is good to decide your career before the age of 18, because a good career is the path to financial prosperity and happiness. Advise your son and daughter to choose their career before they graduate from college.

Relationships become critical when your age is in your 40s and 50s. This is the most productive time of your life. You are mature and you are on the decision-making bench.

Also, this is the most responsible stage of your life. Business problems are there and you have to take care of your teenage children. This is the time when you will reap what you have sown.

Problems occur when your relationships with your spouse and children are not good. Teenagers want to express themselves. It is a critical moment. They are not fully mature and emotional. It is your job to understand their emotions and talents.

As parents, only you can understand them better. They need your love and understanding. Like the financial bank account, there is a financial bank account. If you don’t deposit good deeds into your emotional bank account, it will remain empty and you will be bankrupt.

Most people face that bankruptcy in their 40s. Their teenage son is not well and the parents blame each other for the cause.

These kinds of issues are often discussed over lunch, which is horrible. Lunch or dinner is not a time to point out mistakes or discuss family politics.

In my opinion, this is the basic problem and that is why your health declines.

Your home should be a quiet place for you. Be friends with your spouse and children. The life is a trip. Hard times come and go. A good relationship will always help you in a crisis, whether you are facing financial problems or health problems.

I have observed it myself, people who have good relationships are less likely to get sick. They are happy and therefore healthy.

Comments are welcome.

Best of luck!

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