Lifestyle Fashion

How lymphatic drainage is anti-aging

Lymphatic drainage plays an important role in any health or anti-aging regimen on several fronts. Not only does it improve overall skin tone, proper lymphatic flow and detox help support healthy cell renewal.

Simply put, the lymphatic system is a pumping system made up of lymph nodes and lymphatic fluid. Lymphatic fluid is one of the body’s mechanisms for carrying toxins by placing them in the intestine or by pushing them through the skin for elimination. When you have lymphatic drainage At work, most people notice a strong odor coming off their skin. This is the oxidation of the toxic chemicals that are released.

A quick way to see if your lymphatic system is blocked or overloaded is to lightly touch your face and skin on your forearm and upper arm with your fingertips. If your skin feels spongy or like swimming water, your lymphatic system is down and you need help. The deeper the fluff, the more severe the blockage.

When the lymphatic system becomes blocked in the nodes and the fluid or pumping system slows down due to inactivity and weight gain, the system does not remove toxins from the body. This not only affects the appearance of your skin, but it also affects your immune system due to a lack of good white blood cell count production.

The benefits of lymphatic drainage work

Lymphatic drainage opens up blockages in the lymph nodes and stimulates the body’s pumping system. In this way toxins begin to be released. Results vary from client to client, but most people can expect the following:

  • Immediate energy boost
  • You feel like you can run a marathon
  • Inch loss (in most cases)
  • Brighter and firmer skin
  • Relieves pain (especially arthritis pain)
  • Reduces bloating and fluid retention.
  • Accelerates healing (especially skin abrasions and burns)
  • Deep sense of relaxation
  • Promotes healing and overall health.

Some people can and do experience a detox reaction in the form of a headache or tiredness. This is because too many toxins are released at one time. This usually occurs in overweight and highly toxic bodies that are dehydrated. If you are going to do lymphatic drainage work, be sure to stop drinking alcohol, soda, sugary drinks, caffeinated coffee and tea, as well as red meat and dairy for at least 3 days before work and also during. Drink at least 10 glasses of non-fluoridated purified water a day to flush out toxins. This will go a long way toward preventing a detox reaction. It is also recommended to perform a bowel cleansing before lymphatic work and it is important to keep the colon open 3-4 times a day. You may need to take in additional fiber if you don’t eliminate that many times in a day.

Manual versus mechanical treatments

Whether you choose a manual lymphatic drainage massage or a mechanical one with Lumology, Endermolie, Derma Ray, and Jade Esthetics Massage, any lymphatic drainage is better than none. Both can be very relaxing and enjoyable. Manual massage can be more relaxing as pulsations are used to open the lymph nodes. However, mechanical lymphatic drainage is faster and more efficient in opening the lymph nodes and causing the pumping action to occur. It is also more effective for weight loss. The combination of Derma Ray with Jade Esthetics Massage is deep and very fast and has the added benefit of leaving your skin looking young, new and silky.

For health and wellness reasons, it is recommended to perform 6 lymphatic drainage sessions in 3 weeks twice a year in spring and fall. For anti-aging purposes, 3 times in each shift of the season per year for lean people and 6 times in each shift of the season for overweight people. The bottom line is that in this toxic world we live in, lymphatic drainage plays a huge role in overall health, disease prevention, and it’s good to add to your anti-aging routine.

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