Lifestyle Fashion

How to get your ex girlfriend interested in you again

It’s no secret that relationships don’t always go smoothly. Sometimes things get so complicated that a break up seems inevitable. Once the dust has settled and you and your girlfriend have broken up, chances are you’ve noticed a pretty big gap in your life. If you’re finding it hard to move on because you still love her, you’re not alone. Many men face this situation and instead of burying their feelings for her and accepting that the two of you were not meant to be together, they strive to win her back. There are many things you can do to get your ex girlfriend interested in you again after you break up.

The first thing to do to make your ex-girlfriend interested in you again is to correct the shortcomings that contributed to the breakup. If you did something that you know upset her or caused her pain, apologize for it. If you have a pattern of behavior that irritates her, learn how to correct it. You want to show your ex-girlfriend that you have taken her concerns very seriously and that you are a different man now. Another good way to show that you are doing everything in your power to improve is to take a class or change majors. Your goal here is to give him the chance to see that you can be the man he always knew you could be.

As much as it may feel like you’re sitting at home nursing a broken heart, it’s not going to help get your ex girlfriend interested again. You have to keep living your life. If you spend all your free time mourning the loss of the relationship, your ex will find out. Once she realizes how devastated you are, she’ll be even more uncomfortable. Women want a strong man who can control his emotions. Even if it’s a struggle, try to spend time with friends every day. It doesn’t matter if you go for a walk, go to the gym or spend the night in a club. You want to get on with your life and show your ex that you can still function without her. This will help her see that you are not completely dependent on her.

In fact, the absence makes the heart grow bigger, so make an effort to stay out of your ex’s life for a while. This doesn’t mean you should go out of your way to avoid bumping into her, but if you’re not the one to initiate the contact, it will go a long way toward getting your ex-girlfriend interested in you again. As soon as you stop calling or emailing, you’ll wonder how she’s spending her spare time. Women have very active imaginations and if she starts to think you’re over her, that could be what makes her run back to you.

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