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How your brain learns language

First, a disclaimer. I am not a scientist, nor do I claim to be. This is simply an explanation of brain processes, as I understand them, in relation to language learning. The goal is not to paint myself with improper abilities. Rather, it is about trying to gain an understanding of how you can help yourself use your whole brain in your language learning endeavors.

The Left Brain.The left hemisphere of the brain is often credited with logic and analysis. When you study word translations and create relationships between words in your target and native language, it’s the part that gets to work.

The Right Brain.The right hemisphere, on the other hand, is the center of visual and artistic abilities. When you connect words in a target language with specific images, it is the area of ​​the brain that you are putting to the task.

The reflex brain.This is the area of ​​the brain that is stimulated by activity, sending the organ the oxygen it needs to function at a high level. Language learning exercises that involve physical activity usually help kick this into gear. Yes, that’s why the language software makes some very strange practice suggestions that involve body movements.

The Limbic System.This area of ​​the brain links memory with emotion, stimulated by concepts of personal emotional investment. When you are filled with passion to learn a language, this is the part of the brain that you are engaging. Do you see why it is important to have strong feelings in order to learn now?

The New Brain.This is defined as the creative area of ​​the brain, the part that generates new concepts and ideas. When you write an entire essay (even a short one) in the target language, you are making this area of ​​that all-important bodily organ work.

What is the takeaway? Each detailed activity in your language training software is usually geared towards stimulating one or more of these brains. The more of them you engage, the better your chances of retaining the information and eventually acquiring the language.

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