
Make a fashion statement with Nike Dunks

It is important that when you walk, you take your style, confidence and grace with you. When it comes to dressing perfectly, shoes play a very important role. Hence the saying ‘When you speak perfectly, you are truly successful’. A man is judged by the shoes he wears: this saying has a lot to do with it when it comes to dressing well. Whether in the workplace or at play, you need to look good in other people’s eyes. Pay attention to the right clothes and shoes if he really wants to look confident. We pay a lot of attention to our caps, pants, t-shirts and completely ignore when it comes to shoes. It’s still not too late and you could correct the mistake and opt for a really good and comfortable pair of shoes. When you talk about sneakers, you talk about Nike sneakers. Sneakers have been synonymous with Nike sneakers. They complement all varieties of dresses and look very elegant and comfortable in any outfit.

Nike introduced sneakers with basketball players in mind. Players wanted to adorn shoes that were not only comfortable but also pretty to look at. Therefore, Nike introduced these shoes and basketball players agreed. They couldn’t think of playing basketball without these shoes. Basketball is a very popular sport and Nike knew exactly how and when to capture the market. With the growing popularity of basketball, the brand image of Nike traveled far and wide and you could see each and every youngster sporting a Nike sports shoe.

Nike shoes gained popularity from the history of basketball. College life is also associated with sporting a pair of Nike sneakers. They have become icons for youth and sport. The shoes give a stylish and relaxed feeling to the wearer. College kids feel like they’re out of sync with the fashion world if they don’t own Nike sneakers. It is considered as the ‘in thing’ among college goers. If you wear a Nike it is considered a fashion statement and you are automatically elevated and recognized as one among the ‘elite crowd’ and considered ‘COOL’.

Nike can hold its head high and prides itself on being able to dominate the fashion market and dictate fashions and trends. When you talk about the hip hop crowd, DJs, and other sports fans, all of them are really crazy about these sneakers. Skateboarding is another sport that is gaining popularity and is more or less similar to basketball. Nike shoes are also extremely popular among skateboarding fans. They are also available in different designs at Skate shops. Nike has been able to add another community to its love list: the skater community.

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