
Manifesting Your Dreams – Motivation to Achieve Your Goal

Setting Abundance Goals That Work

Setting goals that have a chance of working is important to making your dreams manifest. There are a couple of steps that can help you make sure that the goal you set for yourself is the one you want to achieve.

We have so many thoughts running through our heads all the time. We want this. we want that. We have this idea. If you’re like most of us, a day or two later, you won’t remember half of them. When you’re setting yourself a really big goal like a business or a change of direction in your life, it’s important to really give it some thought.

There is a place to let the ideas flow, and then there are times when you need to be more focused and thoughtful about everything.

First Step to Setting a Big Goal – Brainstorming

You have an idea of ​​what you want. It can be a clear idea or a more vague notion. This is the time to let all thoughts and ideas flow. Edit chorus at this point, or limit yourself. In this phase, the sky is the limit. In fact, after writing down a few ideas, you may wonder how to make it bigger. Then ask yourself to make it even bigger. Make it as big as you can think of. As an example, let’s say you want to have a daycare. Just for the sake of the goal exercise, ask yourself how you can make that bigger. It could be a team of people, a chain of daycare centers, a book, or a teacher training program. The answers will be specific to you. Allow yourself to really think big at this point. It is quite possible that a small nursery is what you want and what you will end up with. Allowing yourself to think big helps further clarify not only what you want, but also what you are capable of. If voices come in that say, Oh, I could never do that, ignore them for now. Go ahead and let yourself dream big.

Step two: be specific

In the next step, be specific about your dream. I am going to suggest that you start at the end and work backwards. Think about what the end result you want for your goal is. What will it look like? What configuration is it in? Who’s there? What are the tasks being performed? What do you think might be the feelings of being there in achieving your goal? Take your time to really visualize your end result in detail. It may not be what you end up with, as there are always detours in any plan. However, it is powerful to have this clear vision of where you are going right now.

You may have the goal of starting a specific business. Or your goal may simply be to have a certain amount of money. Either way, you’ll want to visualize the end result. Visualize the money and how you are using it. Or visualize yourself in the business and all the details about it. It can be very specific or not. There is no right way. It will be right for you.

Step Three: What will it take of me to get to this goal?

This is where many goals fall apart. We have the vision and the desire. We are not, because it is willing to make the effort that is required. If you want to be a real estate agent, you will most likely have to work odd hours and on weekends. Thinking about these things beforehand is really important to commit to the goal. Are you willing to take on whatever your goal requires? If there are things you’re not willing to do, is there a way to get around it by renting or doing it some other way? You don’t have to work hard to make money unless you think it’s hard. However, the reality is that most professions require certain things. To be a doctor you have to go to school and work long hours. To be an author you have to learn the skills and put in the time. Whatever you are choosing to achieve should be something you enjoy spending time on. This is the key. If you’re not willing to work hard, put that in your goal. As an example, you could write a goal that you intend to have a job that is fun, where the work is easy for you and takes only a few hours to do each week. So be open to how that comes to you. Or, on the other hand, you may have a very specific goal and know what steps you’ll need to take to get there.

Step Four: Your Why

This is a step that most people don’t do, and it’s critical to overcoming any challenging goal. The reason why you are doing it. The motivation behind it. It’s really helpful to think about this ahead of time. Earning money is not a powerful why. Earning $100,000.00 a year so I can travel, help my children have the things they need, and help people less fortunate is a powerful motive. Unless you have a compelling motive to do something that requires action on your part over a period of time, you will give up if the going gets tough, as they often do in the course of realizing a dream.

Step Five: Be open to the universe changing your course as you go and let yourself go.

Do you have a dream. Maybe all the steps are solved. Now you have to do the most difficult step of all. Let go of the dream and how exactly it will come about. Release it to the Universe, and then open yourself to the magic of what is to come. Allow the universe to bring you this, or something better. If you have an inspiration to go in a certain direction, or a particular path, trust it even if it still doesn’t make sense. You can consult with your center to see if it is okay for you to do so if you have doubts about it. It takes a while to get the hang of this, but after a while you’ll be able to feel which way to go based on your feelings about it.

Step Six: Accept that some parts can be scary and move on

On the way to your dream, you may encounter obstacles called you. You can be terrified at times when you are in new territory. As human beings, we have desires for security, approval, and control over our lives. Achieving this goal will likely run up against it, on many occasions. You may have to approach people for money, put yourself in the spotlight, or do something you’re not good at yet. You may feel embarrassed or scared to enter new territory. Try to recognize that this is not because it is wrong for you. It’s because this is a normal human thing. You can do it. Take it easy and get support. Never give up. Know that the universe will fulfill your dream if you are doing your part. Your part is to take the inspired action that you are led to take, whatever it is.

Step Seven – Enjoy the Journey

Sometimes it’s hard to be patient for something, especially when you’re at the beginning of the journey. You may be tempted to be jealous of people who seem to have made it. Resist that temptation. Try not to compare yourself to others. Enjoy whatever stage of the journey you are in. You are never there, as you are always working towards something. Take time to appreciate how far you’ve come and any progress you’ve made. Count your many blessings. Look at what you already have, and not what you don’t have. Know that your dream is manifesting. Keep believing. When you achieve this dream there will be another and another. As long as we are alive on this planet we will never stop creating. The more you do it, the bigger dreams you can create. Just keep improving as long as you believe that.

Step Eight: Keep Your Dream Away From Negative People

This step is important now that so many around you tend to be negative. Surround yourself with positive people. Do not listen to negative news if it affects you about the economy, or other issues. People are getting rich at any economic time. You can too. There are people you can find who will believe in you and support you. Let the universe find them and take you to them. Stay away from others. Be careful who you tell your dreams to. Especially in the beginning, only share with people you know will support you. The last thing you need to hear is why your idea won’t work or why it shouldn’t. These people can be dream killers. Keep your dreams alive by keeping them safe from the people who might stop them. Wait to tell those you think might have a negative comment about your dream until you have some success and momentum behind you. By then, you’ll feel more confident and able to handle more criticism, if it comes at all.

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