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Overcome morning sickness with natural remedies

Oh, wow! You have missed your period! Could you be? You hope you are! PREGNANT! You are so excited that you can hardly stand it! It’s too early to find out in a pregnancy text strip. Wait, hold your breath! But then one day you wake up sick. Nauseated, he wonders if he’ll be able to contain his breakfast. Drink water until you get sick! Is this what morning sickness is? How can people bear it? If you have to go through this, how could you bear to have another child? What can you do it on? Are there simple natural remedies for morning sickness? He has heard that some people are sick throughout their pregnancy. Hey wait, what was that about Her Royal Highness Kate having to go to the hospital because she was so sick?

When I was pregnant with my first child, a mother of 6 told me to be thankful for morning sickness because in the early stages of pregnancy that’s the only way you really know you’re pregnant! But in some people, morning sickness can get out of control. Some people vomit profusely, others have debilitating headaches. Some people can never get out of bed and instead of mild nausea being only in the morning and lasting only a few weeks, the nausea continues all day and night and lasts up to 5, 6 or even 9 months. her pregnancy! I have seen some women’s skin turn green from nausea and bile. What can be done!

So let’s talk about the different reasons people get sick in the morning and what you can do about each of them.

The first reason is a toxic liver. It may be throwing the toxins back into the bloodstream or into the skin or into the kidney. The kidney, in turn, dumps its toxins into the bloodstream. Someone who has a toxic liver can turn their skin green. They also usually have a dull headache all day. There will be nausea throughout the day. You can do a few things to see if it will help before choosing to cleanse the liver. I prefer that if people have to clean themselves during pregnancy, they do so after the first 12 weeks have passed in case they stir up something embedded in the tissues that should be safely there and out of the way of a developing fetus. After 12 weeks have passed, it is much safer to clean. If you are cleansing your colon or liver when you become pregnant, you may choose to take a break from cleansing until 12 weeks have passed. If you’ve already been cleansing for several months before you got pregnant, then you’re probably pretty safe with some more cleansing. If you’re still sick after the first trimester is over, do a colon cleanse and liver cleanse to help your body get over morning sickness.

In the meantime, you can take Young Living’s JuvaCleanse® or Purification® essential oil blend. Take them one drop at a time on the cheek lining every minute until you feel better. That could be around 10 minutes. If your skin turns gray, green, or yellow, you may have gallbladder involvement. You can take JuvaFlex™ and place it over your gallbladder, which would be just below your ribs on the right side of your body. Take some castor oil and soak a rag and place it over the JuvaFlex™. This softens the bile and allows it to pass through the bile and liver ducts. Never take castor oil by mouth during pregnancy. It is very caustic on the intestines and can cause miscarriage and severe cramping and diarrhea.

If the kidney is leaking toxins into the blood, the person is usually vomiting a lot. The headache that accompanies this type of morning sickness is usually very intense. So, once again, see if rubbing Purification® oil on the cheek lining helps cleanse the blood. Use juniper oil on the tips of the kidneys of the feet and vita-flex it and also make a warm compress with juniper oils and place it on the kidneys to help the body get rid of toxins and soothe the kidneys. K&B™ tincture also from Young Living would also be a good option to use.

If the adrenal is low, morning sickness is usually mild. You may have some achievement. Taking B vitamins like Super B™ or a green drink in addition to trace minerals will solve this problem. Many people will tell you that all you have to do is take B vitamins and then you will get better. It worked for them! Just keep in mind that that was because they needed adrenal support. It works for a lot of people, but if it doesn’t work for you, keep reading and you just might find your answer!

If the problem is in the pancreas, then the person cannot keep anything down. They are exhausted and cannot get out of bed. His head throbs. To overcome this problem, start with an ounce of Young Living’s NingXia Red®. NingXia Red® will bring your blood sugar back up. Drink it every 15 minutes until you feel better. Then eat raisins and nuts throughout the day. Grapes have a substance that cuts down on toxins in the blood that the pancreas is discharging and causing vomiting. And the nuts will help your blood sugar stabilize. Drink one ounce of NingXia Red® several times throughout the day. Ocetea essential oil is also known to balance blood sugar. Place just one drop at a time every minute on the cheek lining until your blood sugar rises. You may notice your blood sugar rise because the nausea and headache will go away. Make sure you never let your blood sugar level drop. Have a peanut butter or cheese sandwich next to your bed at night so you can eat it in the middle of the night. Have someone bring you a protein breakfast in the morning before you get up. Then rest for 20 minutes before getting out of bed so your blood sugar level stabilizes. As you get stronger, you will know when you will no longer have to take such extreme measures.

If the problem is only stomach, then peppermint oil works wonders! Taking a drop of peppermint oil in a glass of hot or cold water is very refreshing and also settles the stomach and relieves headaches. Wintergreen, fennel, ginger, or Di-Gize™ will do the same. Some people are afraid of taking wintergreen during pregnancy. Wintergreen has aspirin-like properties. But wintergreen is not a drug. It is a natural substance that is homeostatic, which means that it brings balance. All essential oils are homeostatic. I did some research on wintergreen and found out that in the science experiment to prove wintergreen was toxic, they used 4 bottles of wintergreen at a time! I don’t know anyone who would take that much Wintergreen in one sitting!

If the problem is hormonal, the headache can be intense and the nausea mild. Increasing your progesterone will help this problem. I remember that during my 12th pregnancy I had a bad headache. I remember looking up one morning and seeing progesterone cream on my nightstand next to my bed. I stopped taking it when I got pregnant. I picked it up and read the label. He said that it should not be used during pregnancy unless under the use of a health care physician. I said, “Duh! I’m a health care doctor!” So I put a teaspoon on my skin and within five minutes my headache was gone! The new bioidentical Progessence™ Plus serum is safe to take during pregnancy. If you have headaches or morning sickness, drop a couple of drops of Progessence™ Plus on your wrists several times a day and see if you don’t start feeling better soon. Morning sickness caused by hormonal imbalance can also appear with depression or other emotional problems. The body is supposed to naturally have a lot of progesterone during pregnancy, so it’s okay to use Progessence™ Plus during pregnancy. In fact, low progesterone is the number one cause of miscarriage! If the pregnant woman has horrible migraines during pregnancy that are also accompanied by pain behind the eyes, or pain or burning in the arms or legs, it may be that she has an inflamed pituitary gland. To decrease swelling, use Ultra Young® + Oral Spray about three sprays at a time on the cheeks of the mouth. Also put frankincense, sandalwood, and Idaho balsam fir on the palate several times a day.

If you have a history of morning sickness with your pregnancies, it would be wise to cleanse your body for at least 3 months before getting pregnant. Support your adrenal glands and make sure your hormones are in balance.

Having had 12 children, I can tell you from experience that these remedies work wonderfully. And the best part is that after you’ve cleansed your body, you may never experience morning sickness again! I was very sick and in bed I was so sick with my first 8 pregnancies, many times for the entire nine months! But during my eighth pregnancy, my doctor convinced me to have a colon and liver cleanse. At three months he was fine! And to add to the blessing, this was my happiest baby. She didn’t have colic, ear infections, thrush, or a bad mood! She was nice and she slept all night! With the ninth pregnancy, I did not have morning sickness! I didn’t even think she was pregnant! No headaches, no nausea! I had no nausea for the next three babies! How miraculous was that?

Essential oil testimonials are an effective way to learn and share. With this knowledge, we can take control of our own personal health. However, we are required by law to declare:

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