
Photographer – Need more business? Try these marketing ideas

As in any business, getting clients can be one of the most difficult tasks. Listed below are some proven techniques for expanding your business.


Forums are online message boards that are geared toward your industry. Here people can post a comment or question about digital wedding photography and others can answer those questions. When you reply to a post or answer a question, the bio box will appear and people will visit your website from the forum.

Free classified ad sites

Have you heard of Craigslist is the largest free classifieds website online. Just search for your category; for example professional services> digital wedding photography and post your ad. Other popular sites are,,, and Because these services are free, they have a lot of competition, so be sure to consistently place your ads at least 3-4 times a day.

Traditional media

Well, there is not much to say with traditional media. This type of media would include newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. Very expensive, but may be worth it depending on your community.

Bridal Wedding Exhibitions

Bridal wedding shows are a great place to come face to face with a very specific audience. Many brides will walk through the beers in search of a dress, flowers, and a digital wedding photographer. Your booth should include your business cards, samples of your work, and most importantly, it should capture prospect names, phone number, and email. Remember the money is in the list, so make sure you get that email.


There is no better perspective than that of a referral. A referral means that someone has recommended you to that person because they trust you and know your work. Often times, it’s just a matter of getting the appointment time for the engagement session and supporting the agreement. Always ask for references from your satisfied customers.

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