
Remember when

How the world has changed! Taking a look back in time at incidents and articles from years past can be quite amusing and sometimes even thought provoking. Today’s digital age has certainly changed our thoughts and way of life.

How we marveled when the fax machine first hit the market and the speed with which we could now send important documents and messages around the world. It was no longer necessary to ship everything only by sea or by airmail. Faxing became the wonder of the age.

Let’s look further back, to the beginning of the automatic washing machine. No more needing to use the old hand whisk that you had to constantly turn to remove excess water from your wash.

The clothes were dried in a contraption called “Consani Dryer”. This box-shaped contraption had a row of wooden rails running across it just below the lid that rose up where clothes were hung to dry.

Then came the introduction of the electric iron to remove wrinkles from clothing. This ended up having to heat up those old irons on the stove that weighed a ton and were difficult to lift and handle.

The introduction of the cell phone changed our lives dramatically. Today no one would leave home without their phone. Mobile phones have already become your best friend, your diary, your camera and the easiest method of communication.

You no longer need to write checks or carry a checkbook. Bills and purchases are paid online or, if purchased in stores, the credit card is simply scanned. It’s not that easy. However, you certainly have a collection of cards in your wallet. From credit cards to card purchases in the store, there is an endless supply to satisfy.

Of the incidents, who can remember the old trackless trams that ran overhead with cables. Often the rods would come off the cable and the tram had to stop while the driver retrieved the long pole from under the tram’s belly to realign the rods with the wiring. There were also streetcars running on rails at street level criss-crossing the cities.

In the past it was considered safe to walk alone at night. Likewise, it was not necessary to take children to or from school. To get home, they walked or took a bus or train.

Then there were the sweets like penny nests, caramel apples, black and white Bulls Eyes, and striped candy “walking sticks.”

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