Tours Travel

Smart first date tips for everyone

Here you will find smart first date tips to make your first meeting as smooth as possible and make it fun and not awkward for both of you.

These first date tips are not meant to be used exhaustively, but rather are used as a springboard for ideas to keep in mind when it comes to your unique situation. Every person and date is different, but there are many common themes and things to do when it comes to first dates:

Don’t be late and don’t be early. I know it may sound strange to some, but arriving within 5 minutes of your scheduled meeting time makes the other person feel more comfortable. They’re already nervous about meeting you, so making them wait or shortening their final precious minutes to get ready isn’t a good idea.

When you first see your date, make sure you are smiling. The smile is contagious and attractive. This is perhaps the most important single from First Date Tips. Keep smiling throughout the date as well.

This may be the most challenging of the First Date Tips for some, but try your best not to get nervous. Being cool, calm, and collective will make your date comfortable and more comfortable and enjoyable for them. Trust me if you are confident and not so nervous you will notice. Just don’t take it too far and be arrogant thinking you are confident.

You saw the part. Please dress smartly and appropriately. Find out from people what kind of dress code or which people tend where at your destination. You can call the restaurant, stop there, or ask people who have been there before. Most of the time they will say casual or dress casual.

Please dress according to the weather as well. You don’t want to be sweating like a storm walking around or shaking while talking. I know it’s hard to decide, but just wear something fancy and remember that dressing a little too much is better than being underdressed.

Eat with your mouth closed. Even if you haven’t done this in your whole life, do it tonight. Chewing at the dinner table is a huge turnoff.

Do the chivalrous feats. Wait for your date at the door or at the table when leaving somewhere if they are going to the bathroom. Always open the door for them. Keep an eye out for traffic and be on the side of it that oncoming traffic is coming. The same goes for walking down a busier street or a smaller sidewalk. Stay on the side of traffic so that if a speeding car hits you first. It won’t happen, but it’s the chivalrous thing to do.

Look up some interesting facts or think about funny or good personal experiences you have had in the city, place, area or restaurant you are going to. For example, you are going to eat at the “Old Inn”. Know that the place has been there for 80 years, you’ve been told it has great steaks, and you’ve been wanting to get there for some time. Just know a little about the particular establishment or area you’re going to to start a conversation or topic later. It also makes it sound like you’re kind of smart.

Don’t interrupt your date when they are telling you a story or experience. You can look excited and prepare to answer something, but let him finish. Don’t contradict everything they tell you, even if you have a better and more exciting story or experience. It’s not a battle, it’s just a dialogue.

You’re at the end of your date, you’ve used some or all of the First Date Tips above, and that big turning point is almost upon you. To do? Kiss, kiss on the cheek or hug?

A great way to make it flow much more smoothly and comfortably for both of you is to keep talking and smiling until the end.

When walking to your car, their car, or the front door, keep it loose when continuing a conversation. When you get to the end of the line tell them you had a great time and we should do it again. You do NOT have to make follow-up plans right then and there. Tell them you’ll be in touch.

In the final moments, go for the kiss if you think the date went well. You have to take the first step.

Do this right after you give your closing comment. If you only get a hug or a kiss on the cheek, don’t worry. That does not mean anything. I know married couples who didn’t even kiss after the first 3 dates!

Just make the decision and go for it.

Now go out and use these first date tips to make the best first impression and have fun. Don’t overanalyze the meeting. You will soon know if the other felt that everything went well and is worthy of another date.

Usually you want to wait 2 days before contacting them for a tracking date. Good luck!

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