Shopping Product Reviews

Sorry: the world won’t end anytime soon

We live in Sedona Arizona during the millennium when the world was supposed to end at twelve midnight.

Not only did all the so-called experts believe that computers were supposed to collapse simultaneously due to Y2K, but living in Sedona there was a lot of belief that aliens would rise from Bell Rock and conquer us all.

Many even had secret rituals and potions to combat this and some had gadgets that allowed us to communicate with aliens and thus achieve our salvation and hope of eternal life.

I believe there is life on other planets and we are being visited, however when we make physical contact we will not need any device to communicate with them.

Obviously, it didn’t happen either and we are still here, living happily on planet earth.

These fabricated crises happen so often that I started calling them the crisis of the week and thought I’d start a club so that we could all stay informed of our impending current event of sadness and doom.

Global warming is the current crisis that does not seem to want to go away.

Every day we hear how much the oceans are rising, how polar bears are starving, and other disasters ahead. Neither of which is true.

People tell how Miami is underwater and how the souls of Miami are continually building the sidewalks so that people can navigate the rising waters. I live six miles from the Gulf of Mexico and have been to Miami and Fort Lauderdale countless times.

I can tell you first hand that the sea level is not rising. They are at the same level as 40 years ago when I visited the ocean for the first time.

Once someone told me that Miami was half underwater, I replied that it was so bad that the last time I went to Miami International Airport I had to park on I-75 and I-595 and take a ski boat at the airport, and the boy believed me.

There are even people here in Sarasota, some are elected officials in state and local government who continually insist on the issue of global warming and rising sea levels, do you ever go to the beach?

It is true that the climate is changing, the climate is always changing and has been doing so for at least 4.6 billion years.

This planet has existed for eons, what makes you believe that everything will come to an end in twelve years?

When you fly over the earth at an altitude of 10,000 meters, you begin to realize how wonderful and huge our planet is, and how pure the environment still is.

Sure there are local problems, it always has been and always will be, but overall the environment is in better condition now than it was sixty years ago, in any case wildlife is returning where it has not been seen in years, the Smog levels are declining, at least in first world countries.

If you have a need to clean up the environment, try visiting China, India, or some third world country where it is a problem.

It has been reported that there is a huge floating garbage island in the Pacific Ocean, this is not true.

There are areas of floating plastic, but the particles are very tiny, less than five mm, and cannot be detected from space and even ships pass over them without even knowing that the plastic is there, this should not be, but to say there are hundreds. acres of floating plastic and trash is as far from the truth as possible.

Of course we have environmental problems, we have always had them and we will always have them, even the American Indians had problems, they cultivated an area and when the land was exhausted, they could not be cultivated, and all the fish and games had been hunted and killed. , they moved to another area to do the same thing again.

We need to solve problems as they arise, but planet earth is a wonderful planet and is capable of healing itself if we just cooperate a little bit, we don’t need to go back to a 7th century existence to achieve that.

We need to remember that politicians and the media are only creating hysteria to please votes and ratings. We just need to relax, the world will not end soon.

All it takes is a little common sense conservatism.

Just start doing what makes sense and stop running screaming that the sky is falling.

That only makes the problem worse.

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