
Take part in the 28 day lemon water challenge

One of the daily best practices that I follow is to drink a glass of freshly squeezed lemon water first thing in the morning (on an empty stomach).

I want to personally challenge each of you to adopt this practice for 28 days. I know what you’re thinking… but I always have coffee as soon as I get up. Well, I’m not saying you can’t drink coffee. I’d like you to put off that cup of coffee for 30 minutes.

For a simple and affordable way to improve how you look and feel, take on the 28-Day Lemon Water Challenge. Why 28 days? Because that’s how long it takes to form any habit. And I am confident that after you feel the positive effects of this simple practice, it will easily become part of your daily routine for the rest of your life.

Here’s how the 28-Day Lemon Water Challenge works:

1. Wake up.

2. Go straight to the kitchen and pour a glass of water at room temperature (if you have digestive problems, use hot water).

3. Cut a lemon in half (do not use bottled lemon juice as it may contain sulfites to which many people are allergic).

4. Squeeze the lemon juice directly into the glass of water. The water should turn cloudy.

5. Drink.

6. Repeat the next morning, etc.

I told you this was going to be simple. But why am I doing this?

Lemon water health benefits

1. Helps the liver to eliminate toxins and waste products: The liver has several functions in the body, including detoxification, protein synthesis, and the production of biochemicals to aid proper digestion. Lemon water increases detoxifying enzymes in the liver and helps the liver perform these functions more efficiently.

two. Lemon water is alkalizing: the body functions better in a more alkaline state and cancer cells tend to reproduce in an acidic body. Unfortunately, due to the foods most people eat, the things they expose their skin to, and the environment they live in, most people’s bodies are highly acidic. Lemons are very alkalizing to the body and blood (although lemons are actually an acidic fruit).

3. Rich source of vitamins and minerals.s: rich in vitamin C (antioxidant, antibacterial and helps the immune system), vitamin B (energy production), riboflavin (tissue repair, growth and development) and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium (these minerals all help build strong bones and teeth).

Four. Fantastic for skin care: Lemon water can act as an anti-aging remedy by removing wrinkles and improving the overall appearance of the skin. Your skin cannot look healthy if your body is holding on to toxins.

5. Good for weight loss: Lemon water can help burn fat faster. When the liver is full of toxins, it can’t metabolize fat as efficiently.

These are just a few of the reasons to participate in the 28-Day Lemon Water Challenge.

Don’t put off taking this simple challenge. Implementing this into your daily routine can bring major positive changes to your overall health.

Other ways to add more lemon

You can boost the nutritional content and add tons of flavor to your meals (especially chicken, fish, and as a vinaigrette on top of salads) by replacing sugary sauces with lemons. Adding lemons to water also adds flavor, which may make you choose to drink water more often (we all know the importance of staying hydrated).

Click here for a video for a step by step description of how to make lemon water.

It starts tomorrow morning. Enjoy!

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