Legal Law

The constitutional flaw in the rule of law

The wise Founders of our nation crafted the United States Constitution with a plethora of checks and balances for the specific purpose of forever eradicating tyranny and arbitrary punishment of the people. Many people legitimately expect different branches of government to check on each other to ensure that no branch of government exceeds its scope of legal authority. The Founders primarily gave voting rights the duty of government oversight of the Executive and Legislative political branches. They also gave people the right to serve on juries to ensure that our judicial branch did not abuse power to arbitrarily harm people. These systems were designed to enforce the rule of law on all people and government to ensure a just society so that our free government will always exist.

Founding sage Charles Pickney of South Carolina, who helped write and craft the US Constitution, made a profound statement about how the Constitution had a flaw where tyranny could form. Each member of the Continental Congress had to travel back to his own colony or state in order for his government to ratify the United States Constitution. On January 16, 1788 during the “Debates in the South Carolina State Legislature and Convention on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution“In the House of Representatives, the Honorable Charles Pickney declared, “[H]e is also, to remain in office but four years. One might ask, then, where do the dangers of the executive come from? Perhaps he said, From a combination of the executive and the Senate, they could form a nefarious (mortal) aristocracyThis forecast describes exactly how US President Donald Trump has gained powers from an unchecked king that is deadly to many by having an alliance with US Senate Majority Leader Mitch A. McConnell Jr., and the Republican majority in the United States Senate.

US Senate Majority Leader Mitch A. McConnell Jr. and other puppet Republicans failed to offer a fair trial to impeach US President Donald J. Trump in an impeachment trial valid for serious crimes. The result gave the President of the United States, Donald Trump, the power of a lawless king who is abusing any official or person who speaks out against his crimes. The president then was negligent in failing to adequately defend people’s lives from a pandemic. Donald Trump also fired the inspectors general who enforce the law at all federal agencies to ensure there is no waste, fraud or abuse that they were supposed to monitor COVID-19 lending. Later, the president assured that the parties that supported his re-election received millions of dollars in forgivable loans. This money has already started to be funneled into US President Donald J. Trump’s re-election campaign as media reports show Donald Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale spending the money unfairly. extravagant. President Trump is also having his US Attorney General William P. Barr drop charges against criminals or grant them pardons. These are just some of the damage that Donald Trump’s union with the US Senate has caused.

It is ironic that US President Donald Trump and the Republicans claim to be strict enforcers of the rule of law with their criminal conduct allowing Republican criminals to go free. His definition of the rule of law only applies to mothers, not to themselves. Some people engage in civil disobedience trying to correct this injustice. The President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, declared: “The people of these United States are the rightful masters of Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert that Constitution..” Citizens can begin to correct this injustice on their own as they stand on a Grand Jury or Jury mimicking the Republican Party to always vote not guilty when a citizen is on trial. The rule of law applies to the government (police officers) and corporations as well as the citizen The rule of law will not be equally enforced until “qualified immunity” or any government immunity is prohibited The Founders never gave executive branch immunity and law enforcement clearly abuses Although our wise Founders foresaw this problem, the Courts and Congress are oblivious to these dangers, which are the immunity privileges of the nobility that the Founders forbid.

John S. Dart, CHR, (1788), “Debates in the South Carolina Legislature and Convention, on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution” South Carolina House of Representatives. Charles Pickney. Publicly available at

EB & EC Kellogg, (1864), “Print showing a three-quarter portrait of Abraham Lincoln standing, holding a book, facing right” Library of Congress (LOC). Publicly available at

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