
The six things a true magician must have


In Myself:

You will need a tome. This is where you will keep all your magic spells and potion recipes. You will write all your magical works in this book of power. In this book you will keep your life’s work. Your tome should never be shown to anyone unless you have an apprentice.


A staff:

You will need a cane. The staff of a magician is very important, it is used as a conductor of your magic. Your power flows through your staff. A staff can be a long pole with a power stone attached to the end. If you live in a wooded area, go out and find a piece of wood to use as a magic staff. The staff will choose you. You will feel the energy of the staff. Once you have chosen a cane, you will need to wrap its handle in black duct tape or dress tape. You will need wire to wrap your power stone around the top of your staff. Your power stone can also be found outside or if you have a certain stone that you want to use, you can buy it from a craft store or magic store. It would be much cheaper to buy it from a craft store. Remember this is only your first staff, it doesn’t have to be perfect, you just need to be able to conduct your magical energies.



You will need to research all forms of magic. You will need to learn everything you can about the forces of magic. The greatest magicians of all time have learned to use all kinds of magic to make them more powerful.


For family:

Harry Potter, the fictional wizard, has an owl, many witches have a cat as a relative. In sorcery, a familiar shares his form with a mage counterpart. Transformation magic is used by many ancient wizards.



Many magicians have a mentor. A mentor is a powerful magician who has a wealth of ancient knowledge to impart to a budding apprentice. Since ancient times, magicians have undergone an apprentice training regimen. A mentor is a wise old soul who helps an apprentice magician on the path of the ancient realms of enlightenment.


In wand:

A wand is also a conductor of magic in the same way as a staff. A wand is carried with a magician at all times. A wand is a symbol of a magician’s power and controls the natural elements.

These are just some of the tools an assistant needs, but they will help you start your magical journey. Within magic, all things are possible.

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