
What do you mean when you say: I’m not ready for a relationship?

So… he says he’s not ready for the big C – Commitment?

What does this mean? It means that he doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you.

Yes, it’s a hard pill to swallow, but believe me, unlike women, men are in no rush to find Miss Perfect. Dating men is all about learning and experimenting. It sounds hard to believe that I know, but men take a logical approach to dating. They wholeheartedly believe with unwavering faith that one day there will come a woman who ‘Rocks Their World’.

Men want what we want, but they just won’t admit it like we do.

So how do you groom a guy?

Well, you really can’t and it makes sense to wait for him to be ready because he doesn’t like you. Hit the road, Jill, and find a guy who’s ready.

The key to success with men requires a whole new dating strategy.

The reason you are getting germ after germ or free man after free man is because your subconscious mind is attracting garbage bags.

To start winning in your love life, you need to take back your personal power and start running your own game.

This requires that you clearly acknowledge to yourself that you want something real; In other words, you’ve had enough of casual one-night stands and what guys call ‘friends with benefits’. Either you are friends with a man or you are something else with a man, there is no such thing as ‘in the middle’.

Men want gold, not a bronze show horse they can ride for a while.

Not only do you need to be clear about what you want and what you have to offer, but you need to play your game like you don’t give a damn.

From now on you will eat men. You’ll be a heartbreaker and every time a guy isn’t doing what you want or just doesn’t like it, he throws that brother to the sidewalk. You don’t need to be a pretty boy who thinks he’s got you all sewn up because all the other girls want them. You’re not just any other girl, you’re something special, so act like it.​.

Trust your instincts, they are rarely wrong, so start running your own show and get what you want out of love.

Don’t rush, there is plenty of time and the right person will come when you are ready!

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