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wooden office furniture

Office furniture was traditionally made of wood. Clients prefer wooden office furniture for its rich look and strength.

The wood that is available falls into two categories, namely hardwoods and softwoods. But the word doesn’t actually mean how hard or soft the wood is. “Hardwood” refers to trees that shed their leaves seasonally and “softwood” refers to those that maintain their foliage year-round. Ash, cherry, maple, oak, pecan, teak, rosewood, walnut, mahogany, and poplar are some of the hardwood trees used to make furniture. Among softwood trees, cedar, cypress, fir, pine, and redwood are used for furniture.

Wooden office furniture consists of desks, sideboards, bookshelves, filing cabinets, seats, and more. Wooden furniture varies according to the type of wood used; some can be light to balance light objects and some can be heavy to balance heavy objects. The cost also varies depending on the strength and workmanship of the furniture.

In general, the most expensive furniture is usually made from fine hardwoods like maple, cherry, or oak, or select softwoods like pine. Mid-priced furniture may have a combination of different woods on the exposed surfaces. Since trees do not grow into the shapes and sizes required to make furniture, branches or pieces of wood are attached in different ways to achieve the necessary shapes and sizes. Therefore, wooden furniture is expensive compared to other types.

Wooden furniture is more suitable for houses, hotels and small offices, but it is not feasible to use wooden furniture for a large office due to cost, availability and maintenance. They will lose their new look as the days go by, so they have to be repainted or varnished to give them that new look. When we consider all of these circumstances, cheaper materials that require less maintenance are often a better choice.

When you go to buy wooden furniture take note of the following points. Check that doors and drawers fit snugly and are provided with glides and stops. The drawers should slide out easily when pulled. Drawer corners should be securely butted together and drawer interiors should be smooth and snag-free. Doors should open easily without squeaking or rubbing. Hardware must be secure and strong with no rough edges. Entertainment units must have holes for electrical cables. Make sure tables are stable and finishes feel smooth to the touch.

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