
Yahoo 360 is another great internet marketing tool

It’s no secret that blogging and social media have changed the face of the Internet. These services allow people to connect and share similar interests with each other. Not only is it a way to meet new friends, these services also allow you to build and market your business.

Yahoo 360 is a site that combines blogging with social networks in a very simple to use and non-threatening format. If you’ve been under the impression that blogging requires technical skills, or if you’ve been intimidated by some of the sophisticated HTML and CSS found on other social media sites, Yahoo 360 will be a much easier way to start.

When you create a Yahoo 360 account, you can set up a page that tells the world a little bit about yourself. While this is not a substitute for an actual business website, it does allow for networking and marketing opportunities.

Creating your page is very easy. There are quite a few pre-made themes to choose from, and you also have the option to create your own custom theme. If you are familiar with Yahoo Messenger and you already have an avatar, you can use it as your 360 image or you can upload a regular photo of yourself.

Once you’ve created your page layout, you can start adding content. The site allows you to blog, create lists of recommended items, add reviews, and more.

You can easily market your business with these tools. For example, you can create a list of products that you have reviewed (don’t forget to include your affiliate links); display links to your website (s); And if you have a business related blog, you can add the RSS feed to your 360 page. If you have created your own physical products, you can display images of your products.

You can also invite other 360 users to become your “friend”. This is where networking comes in. With this service, you can meet other people and build relationships with them. Some of these people may end up becoming clients or future business partners.

There are several ways to find people. You can search by both location and interests. The location feature is great if you want to promote yourself locally. Searching by interest will allow you to find people in your target market who may be interested in your business.

Using these types of sites can help you spread the word about your business. However, you have yet to continue with other forms of marketing. Not everyone in your target market will have a 360 account. Your 360 page may be another tool in your marketing toolbox, but it shouldn’t be the only one.

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