Health Fitness

10 ways to avoid a C-section

The cesarean section rate in the United States was 4.5% in 1965; today it is more than 30%!

There are many things that can prepare you for a successful natural birth and many things that increase your chances of a C-section. The most common explanations for why a C-section was performed are “lack of progress,” “fetal distress,” “cephalopelvic disproportion” (your pelvis is too small), and the position of the baby. Often these diagnoses are questionable and can be avoided.

Here are the top ten things that will improve your chances of a natural birth and help you avoid an unnecessary surgical delivery.

1. Choose your care provider carefully

Interview providers before deciding on the one you want. Ask about their rates for cesarean section, induction and spontaneous natural births. Also ask about the other providers on their team. In most cases, it is unlikely that you will have your own doctor on the day of delivery. If you have a midwife you will have more consistency in care.

2. Avoid induction

If your body is not ready to give birth and is forced to work, it can cause a painful and non-progressive labor. Cesarean section rates increase with induction rates. Avoiding induction is especially important if you are a new mom.

3. DO NOT get an epidural

Epidurals commonly delay or stop labor, leading to a diagnosis of “failure to progress” and subsequent operative delivery. They can also be the source of fetal distress leading to cesarean delivery.

4. Stay off your back

Lying on your back or semi-sitting are the worst possible positions to give birth. Do not get into any of these positions during labor or during/during delivery. Lying or sitting on your back decreases the size of your pelvis and can lead to cephalopelvic disproportion or being told “your pelvis was too small for vaginal delivery.”

5. Push only when ready

When your body is ready to push, it will push. Being told to push is not only unnecessary, it can also be harmful. Women are often forced to push just because they are four inches dilated. The hospital only “allows” you to push for a specific period of time before recommending a C-section.

6. Say NO to Continuous Fetal Monitoring

It may seem counterintuitive, but continuous fetal monitoring has not been associated with better birth outcomes. No fewer mothers or babies die when continuous monitoring is used instead of intermittent monitoring. The big difference between the two forms of monitoring is that the rate of cesarean, forceps, and vacuum-assisted deliveries increases with continuous monitoring.

7. Stay home as long as possible

Staying home as long as possible is the key to a successful birth. Showing up to the hospital in early labor increases the chance that you will have an intervention-filled delivery. The longer you stay in a hospital setting, the more interventions you are exposed to. Each intervention increases the probability of cesarean delivery.

8. Avoid vaginal exams and throw away the clock

Vaginal exams are not very helpful in labor. The importance of how dilated you are is pretty minimal. Some women go from 3 cm to give birth in 2 hours and some go two weeks to 6 centimeters. If you are having vaginal exams, you are expected to progress at a rate of 1 cm per hour or you will be instructed to measure 10 cm at a certain time. If you don’t fit this linear, one-size-fits-all timeline, you’ll be labeled a “failure to progress” and told you need to have a C-section.

9. Hire a doula

Having a female support person who is familiar with what goes on in labor and delivery, a Doula, lowers the C-section rate by 50%. Having ongoing support focused entirely on your family and your goals will improve your outcomes and your satisfaction with your birth.

10. See your prenatal chiropractor

One of the main reasons for cesarean deliveries is that the baby is not positioned correctly. If your baby is breech, posterior, or in any other less than optimal position, consulting a chiropractor trained in Webster’s in utero restraint technique may help. Success rates are 85% and above. Seeing a chiropractor during your pregnancy can prevent these malpositions and improve your overall body function. The brain-body connection is essential to the progress of labor and can be optimized with chiropractic care.

Cesarean sections are a valuable tool when necessary. When done unnecessarily, they can leave a woman scarred both physically and emotionally. Make educated and informed decisions for yourself and set yourself up for success. If she feels that she is in control of the situation and makes decisions for herself, she can have an empowered birth even if a C-section is necessary.

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