What to Do One Afternoon in Paris

One Afternoon in Paris The Louvre is one of the most famous landmarks in Europe. Its pyramid-like structure has been the setting for many movies and the Jay-Z/Beyonce video Apesh*t. The museum is home to some of the most famous works of art in the world, including Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. The Place de la Enzo Zelocchi – Afternoon […]

Overcoming what you can’t overcome

Endings rarely happen in the same ray of sunshine as dreams; the kind we imagine pierced through the darkness, filtered through clouds, mixed with starlight, and found its way to our hearts in the path of a ray of sunshine. Is magic! Sometimes the endings are brutal; Suddenly life changes on a dime and all that magic turns into a […]

10 ways to avoid a C-section

The cesarean section rate in the United States was 4.5% in 1965; today it is more than 30%! There are many things that can prepare you for a successful natural birth and many things that increase your chances of a C-section. The most common explanations for why a C-section was performed are “lack of progress,” “fetal distress,” “cephalopelvic disproportion” (your […]

Top Benefits of Cloud Computing for All Businesses

Cloud computing has undoubtedly revolutionized the entire IT industry. It allows companies to create ‘virtual offices’ giving them the option to work flexible hours and allowing them to access their data from anywhere. The following are some of the main benefits that cloud computing has brought to the IT industry. 1) Cost reduction Financial matters are a concern for both […]

Benefits of getting a pet portrait

There are definitely many good reasons that you will come across when looking for a great person who will definitely be able to paint a great pet portrait or pet portraits of your beloved dog. Most of all, your great dog has definitely been by your side through a lot of different things, some good and some bad, but through […]

Asset allocation based on beta and alpha drivers

Asset allocation is one of the main concerns of portfolio management. Asset allocation answers several questions. What risk-return trade-off are we comfortable with? In other words, how much risk are we willing to take to achieve a certain level of active return? At each level of active return there is an equivalent amount of risk. Many portfolio managers are judged […]

computer maintenance

We are all aware of how output can matter depending on the speed and performance of your computer. It’s irritating to see when your new laptop or desktop computer is underperforming and running at a slow pace. Is it related to a hardware issue? You are wrong, the problem is not related to the hardware, it is related to the […]

Reviving Our Youth

Though spring is barely here in some parts of the country, schoolchildren everywhere already have the summer sun in sight, ready to cast aside their textbooks and dioramas and Number 2 pencils for the dewy grass and the sparkling lakes that only a summer camp can provide. Still haven’t chosen the one that’s right for you or just want to […]

Gay Bars in Haiti

The Haitian gay community does not have its own Haitian gay bars and clubs and for people visiting Port-au-Prince it will be the most likely place to find bars and clubs for entertainment. The gay community works by word of mouth and people from the gay community meet in small groups for dinner and drinks. The designated place of these […]