Hike the Hiawatha Trail

Tea Hiawatha Trail on the Montana/Idaho border it is a gem of a rails to trails ride. This is part of the old Milwaukee Road Railroad. The trail begins 5 miles from the Montana Idaho border on the Montana side. Exit Interstate 90 at the Taft #5 exit on the Montana side. Then follow the signs about 2 miles to […]

VO2 What?

In the world of endurance, it seems like you can’t talk about fitness without talking about VO2 max. Ask any endurance athlete and you’ll hear epic stories with names like Indurain, LeMond and Armstrong. However, many of you may be wondering what exactly is VO2 max. and why it is so important. To better understand this concept, let’s take a […]

life is a stage

Lights, camera, and oh yeah… for a minute I forgot where I was. Isn’t it amazing what a stage can do for you? I mean, for most of us who have been dancing for years, we have had the pleasure and disgust of dancing on a variety of dance floors in strange spaces. I’ve danced on grass, tables (I don’t […]

Quick Weight Loss Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

You have made the decision to commit to a personal lifestyle change and lose those extra pounds that have been dragging you down. Congratulations on the first of many steps! You could be the most determined dieter in the world and follow a diet to the letter, but hunger and the feeling of need are always lurking. And once the […]

10 foods to eat to lower cholesterol

Cholesterol is an important fat-like substance used to create hormones (such as vitamin D), build healthy cells, and digest food. The cholesterol your body uses can come from two different sources: your own body or the food you eat. Dietary cholesterol, meaning cholesterol from food, is only found in animal products (ie meat, milk, eggs, etc.). Dietary cholesterol is not […]

Good food to build muscle

The benefits of a good bodybuilding program are numerous. In addition to an increase in strength, you have more energy, stronger bones, less chance of injury, and less chance of contracting some major diseases. If you add good muscle-building foods, you’ll find the benefits increase many times over. What are some good food choices to build muscle? The following are […]

Top 10 beneficii ale colagenului pentru pielea ta

ale colagenului pentru pielea ta Colagenul, proteina care alcătuiește majoritatea țesuturilor conjunctive ale corpului tău (cum ar fi pielea, oasele, mușchii, tendoanele și ligamentele), este crucială pentru sănătatea noastră. Proprietățile sale definitorii includ elasticitatea, flexibilitatea și susținerea – toate importante pentru o piele netedă, fermă și cu aspect tânăr. beneficiile colagenului pentru piele De asemenea, ajută la vindecarea rănilor, reducând […]